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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# furl - URL manipulation made simple.
# Ansgar Grunseid
# grunseid.com
# grunseid@gmail.com
# License: Build Amazing Things (Unlicense)
import re
import abc
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from posixpath import normpath
from ..._vendor import six
from ..._vendor.six.moves import urllib
from ..._vendor.six.moves.urllib.parse import quote, unquote
from icecream import ic
except ImportError: # Graceful fallback if IceCream isn't installed.
ic = lambda *a: None if not a else (a[0] if len(a) == 1 else a) # noqa
from .omdict1D import omdict1D
from .compat import string_types, UnicodeMixin
from .common import (
callable_attr, is_iterable_but_not_string, absent as _absent)
# Map of common protocols, as suggested by the common protocols included in
# urllib/parse.py, to their default ports. Protocol scheme strings are
# lowercase.
# TODO(Ans): Is there a public map of schemes to their default ports? If not,
# create one? Best I (Ansgar) could find is
# https://gist.github.com/mahmoud/2fe281a8daaff26cfe9c15d2c5bf5c8b
'acap': 674,
'afp': 548,
'dict': 2628,
'dns': 53,
'ftp': 21,
'git': 9418,
'gopher': 70,
'hdl': 2641,
'http': 80,
'https': 443,
'imap': 143,
'ipp': 631,
'ipps': 631,
'irc': 194,
'ircs': 6697,
'ldap': 389,
'ldaps': 636,
'mms': 1755,
'msrp': 2855,
'mtqp': 1038,
'nfs': 111,
'nntp': 119,
'nntps': 563,
'pop': 110,
'prospero': 1525,
'redis': 6379,
'rsync': 873,
'rtsp': 554,
'rtsps': 322,
'rtspu': 5005,
'sftp': 22,
'sip': 5060,
'sips': 5061,
'smb': 445,
'snews': 563,
'snmp': 161,
'ssh': 22,
'svn': 3690,
'telnet': 23,
'tftp': 69,
'ventrilo': 3784,
'vnc': 5900,
'wais': 210,
'ws': 80,
'wss': 443,
'xmpp': 5222,
def lget(lst, index, default=None):
return lst[index]
except IndexError:
return default
def attemptstr(o):
return str(o)
except Exception:
return o
def utf8(o, default=_absent):
return o.encode('utf8')
except Exception:
return o if default is _absent else default
def non_string_iterable(o):
return callable_attr(o, '__iter__') and not isinstance(o, string_types)
# TODO(grun): Support IDNA2008 via the third party idna module. See
# https://github.com/gruns/furl/issues/73.
def idna_encode(o):
if callable_attr(o, 'encode'):
return str(o.encode('idna').decode('utf8'))
return o
def idna_decode(o):
if callable_attr(utf8(o), 'decode'):
return utf8(o).decode('idna')
return o
def is_valid_port(port):
port = str(port)
if not port.isdigit() or not 0 < int(port) <= 65535:
return False
return True
def static_vars(**kwargs):
def decorator(func):
for key, value in six.iteritems(kwargs):
setattr(func, key, value)
return func
return decorator
def create_quote_fn(safe_charset, quote_plus):
def quote_fn(s, dont_quote):
if dont_quote is True:
safe = safe_charset
elif dont_quote is False:
safe = ''
else: # <dont_quote> is expected to be a string.
safe = dont_quote
# Prune duplicates and characters not in <safe_charset>.
safe = ''.join(set(safe) & set(safe_charset)) # E.g. '?^#?' -> '?'.
quoted = quote(s, safe)
if quote_plus:
quoted = quoted.replace('%20', '+')
return quoted
return quote_fn
# TODO(grun): Update some of the regex functions below to reflect the fact that
# the valid encoding of Path segments differs slightly from the valid encoding
# of Fragment Path segments. Similarly, the valid encodings of Query keys and
# values differ slightly from the valid encodings of Fragment Query keys and
# values.
# For example, '?' and '#' don't need to be encoded in Fragment Path segments
# but they must be encoded in Path segments. Similarly, '#' doesn't need to be
# encoded in Fragment Query keys and values, but must be encoded in Query keys
# and values.
# Perhaps merge them with URLPath, FragmentPath, URLQuery, and
# FragmentQuery when those new classes are created (see the TODO
# currently at the top of the source, 02/03/2012).
# RFC 3986 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt)
# unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
# pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
# sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
# / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
# pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@"
# === Path ===
# segment = *pchar
# === Query ===
# query = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
# === Scheme ===
# scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." )
PERCENT_REGEX = r'\%[a-fA-F\d][a-fA-F\d]'
INVALID_HOST_CHARS = '!@#$%^&\'\"*()+=:;/'
r'^([\w%s]|(%s))*$' % (re.escape('-.~:@!$&\'()*+,;='), PERCENT_REGEX)))
def is_valid_encoded_path_segment(segment):
return is_valid_encoded_path_segment.regex.match(segment) is not None
r'^([\w%s]|(%s))*$' % (re.escape('-.~:@!$&\'()*+,;/?'), PERCENT_REGEX)))
def is_valid_encoded_query_key(key):
return is_valid_encoded_query_key.regex.match(key) is not None
r'^([\w%s]|(%s))*$' % (re.escape('-.~:@!$&\'()*+,;/?='), PERCENT_REGEX)))
def is_valid_encoded_query_value(value):
return is_valid_encoded_query_value.regex.match(value) is not None
def is_valid_scheme(scheme):
return is_valid_scheme.regex.match(scheme) is not None
@static_vars(regex=re.compile('[%s]' % re.escape(INVALID_HOST_CHARS)))
def is_valid_host(hostname):
toks = hostname.split('.')
if toks[-1] == '': # Trailing '.' in a fully qualified domain name.
for tok in toks:
if is_valid_host.regex.search(tok) is not None:
return False
return '' not in toks # Adjacent periods aren't allowed.
def get_scheme(url):
if url.startswith(':'):
return ''
# Avoid incorrect scheme extraction with url.find(':') when other URL
# components, like the path, query, fragment, etc, may have a colon in
# them. For example, the URL 'a?query:', whose query has a ':' in it.
no_fragment = url.split('#', 1)[0]
no_query = no_fragment.split('?', 1)[0]
no_path_or_netloc = no_query.split('/', 1)[0]
scheme = url[:max(0, no_path_or_netloc.find(':'))] or None
if scheme is not None and not is_valid_scheme(scheme):
return None
return scheme
def strip_scheme(url):
scheme = get_scheme(url) or ''
url = url[len(scheme):]
if url.startswith(':'):
url = url[1:]
return url
def set_scheme(url, scheme):
after_scheme = strip_scheme(url)
if scheme is None:
return after_scheme
return '%s:%s' % (scheme, after_scheme)
# 'netloc' in Python parlance, 'authority' in RFC 3986 parlance.
def has_netloc(url):
scheme = get_scheme(url)
return url.startswith('//' if scheme is None else scheme + '://')
def urlsplit(url):
url: URL string to split.
Returns: urlparse.SplitResult tuple subclass, just like
urlparse.urlsplit() returns, with fields (scheme, netloc, path,
query, fragment, username, password, hostname, port). See
for more details on urlsplit().
original_scheme = get_scheme(url)
# urlsplit() parses URLs differently depending on whether or not the URL's
# scheme is in any of
# urllib.parse.uses_fragment
# urllib.parse.uses_netloc
# urllib.parse.uses_params
# urllib.parse.uses_query
# urllib.parse.uses_relative
# For consistent URL parsing, switch the URL's scheme to 'http', a scheme
# in all of the aforementioned uses_* lists, and afterwards revert to the
# original scheme (which may or may not be in some, or all, of the the
# uses_* lists).
if original_scheme is not None:
url = set_scheme(url, 'http')
scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url)
# Detect and preserve the '//' before the netloc, if present. E.g. preserve
# URLs like 'http:', 'http://', and '///sup' correctly.
after_scheme = strip_scheme(url)
if after_scheme.startswith('//'):
netloc = netloc or ''
netloc = None
scheme = original_scheme
return urllib.parse.SplitResult(scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment)
def urljoin(base, url):
base: Base URL to join with <url>.
url: Relative or absolute URL to join with <base>.
Returns: The resultant URL from joining <base> and <url>.
base_scheme = get_scheme(base) if has_netloc(base) else None
url_scheme = get_scheme(url) if has_netloc(url) else None
if base_scheme is not None:
# For consistent URL joining, switch the base URL's scheme to
# 'http'. urllib.parse.urljoin() behaves differently depending on the
# scheme. E.g.
# >>> urllib.parse.urljoin('http://google.com/', 'hi')
# 'http://google.com/hi'
# vs
# >>> urllib.parse.urljoin('asdf://google.com/', 'hi')
# 'hi'
root = set_scheme(base, 'http')
root = base
joined = urllib.parse.urljoin(root, url)
new_scheme = url_scheme if url_scheme is not None else base_scheme
if new_scheme is not None and has_netloc(joined):
joined = set_scheme(joined, new_scheme)
return joined
def join_path_segments(*args):
Join multiple lists of path segments together, intelligently
handling path segments borders to preserve intended slashes of the
final constructed path.
This function is not encoding aware. It doesn't test for, or change,
the encoding of path segments it is passed.
join_path_segments(['a'], ['b']) == ['a','b']
join_path_segments(['a',''], ['b']) == ['a','b']
join_path_segments(['a'], ['','b']) == ['a','b']
join_path_segments(['a',''], ['','b']) == ['a','','b']
join_path_segments(['a','b'], ['c','d']) == ['a','b','c','d']
Returns: A list containing the joined path segments.
finals = []
for segments in args:
if not segments or segments == ['']:
elif not finals:
# Example #1: ['a',''] + ['b'] == ['a','b']
# Example #2: ['a',''] + ['','b'] == ['a','','b']
if finals[-1] == '' and (segments[0] != '' or len(segments) > 1):
# Example: ['a'] + ['','b'] == ['a','b']
elif finals[-1] != '' and segments[0] == '' and len(segments) > 1:
segments = segments[1:]
return finals
def remove_path_segments(segments, remove):
Removes the path segments of <remove> from the end of the path
segments <segments>.
# ('/a/b/c', 'b/c') -> '/a/'
remove_path_segments(['','a','b','c'], ['b','c']) == ['','a','']
# ('/a/b/c', '/b/c') -> '/a'
remove_path_segments(['','a','b','c'], ['','b','c']) == ['','a']
Returns: The list of all remaining path segments after the segments
in <remove> have been removed from the end of <segments>. If no
segments from <remove> were removed from <segments>, <segments> is
returned unmodified.
# [''] means a '/', which is properly represented by ['', ''].
if segments == ['']:
if remove == ['']:
ret = None
if remove == segments:
ret = []
elif len(remove) > len(segments):
ret = segments
toremove = list(remove)
if len(remove) > 1 and remove[0] == '':
if toremove and toremove == segments[-1 * len(toremove):]:
ret = segments[:len(segments) - len(toremove)]
if remove[0] != '' and ret:
ret = segments
return ret
def quacks_like_a_path_with_segments(obj):
return (
hasattr(obj, 'segments') and
class Path(object):
Represents a path comprised of zero or more path segments.
Path parameters aren't supported.
_force_absolute: Function whos boolean return value specifies
whether self.isabsolute should be forced to True or not. If
_force_absolute(self) returns True, isabsolute is read only and
raises an AttributeError if assigned to. If
_force_absolute(self) returns False, isabsolute is mutable and
can be set to True or False. URL paths use _force_absolute and
return True if the netloc is non-empty (not equal to
''). Fragment paths are never read-only and their
_force_absolute(self) always returns False.
segments: List of zero or more path segments comprising this
path. If the path string has a trailing '/', the last segment
will be '' and self.isdir will be True and self.isfile will be
False. An empty segment list represents an empty path, not '/'
(though they have the same meaning).
isabsolute: Boolean whether or not this is an absolute path or
not. An absolute path starts with a '/'. self.isabsolute is
False if the path is empty (self.segments == [] and str(path) ==
strict: Boolean whether or not UserWarnings should be raised if
improperly encoded path strings are provided to methods that
take such strings, like load(), add(), set(), remove(), etc.
# From RFC 3986:
# segment = *pchar
# pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@"
# unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
# sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
# / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
SAFE_SEGMENT_CHARS = ":@-._~!$&'()*+,;="
def __init__(self, path='', force_absolute=lambda _: False, strict=False):
self.segments = []
self.strict = strict
self._isabsolute = False
self._force_absolute = force_absolute
def load(self, path):
Load <path>, replacing any existing path. <path> can either be
a Path instance, a list of segments, a path string to adopt.
Returns: <self>.
if not path:
segments = []
elif quacks_like_a_path_with_segments(path): # Path interface.
segments = path.segments
elif is_iterable_but_not_string(path): # List interface.
segments = path
else: # String interface.
segments = self._segments_from_path(path)
if self._force_absolute(self):
self._isabsolute = True if segments else False
self._isabsolute = (segments and segments[0] == '')
if self.isabsolute and len(segments) > 1 and segments[0] == '':
self.segments = segments
return self
def add(self, path):
Add <path> to the existing path. <path> can either be a Path instance,
a list of segments, or a path string to append to the existing path.
Returns: <self>.
if quacks_like_a_path_with_segments(path): # Path interface.
newsegments = path.segments
elif is_iterable_but_not_string(path): # List interface.
newsegments = path
else: # String interface.
newsegments = self._segments_from_path(path)
# Preserve the opening '/' if one exists already (self.segments
# == ['']).
if self.segments == [''] and newsegments and newsegments[0] != '':
newsegments.insert(0, '')
segments = self.segments
if self.isabsolute and self.segments and self.segments[0] != '':
segments.insert(0, '')
self.load(join_path_segments(segments, newsegments))
return self
def set(self, path):
return self
def remove(self, path):
if path is True:
if is_iterable_but_not_string(path): # List interface.
segments = path
else: # String interface.
segments = self._segments_from_path(path)
base = ([''] if self.isabsolute else []) + self.segments
self.load(remove_path_segments(base, segments))
return self
def normalize(self):
Normalize the path. Turn '//a/./b/../c//' into '/a/c/'.
Returns: <self>.
if str(self):
normalized = normpath(str(self)) + ('/' * self.isdir)
if normalized.startswith('//'): # http://bugs.python.org/636648
normalized = '/' + normalized.lstrip('/')
return self
def asdict(self):
return {
'encoded': str(self),
'isdir': self.isdir,
'isfile': self.isfile,
'segments': self.segments,
'isabsolute': self.isabsolute,
def isabsolute(self):
if self._force_absolute(self):
return True
return self._isabsolute
def isabsolute(self, isabsolute):
Raises: AttributeError if _force_absolute(self) returns True.
if self._force_absolute(self):
s = ('Path.isabsolute is True and read-only for URLs with a netloc'
' (a username, password, host, and/or port). A URL path must '
"start with a '/' to separate itself from a netloc.")
raise AttributeError(s)
self._isabsolute = isabsolute
def isdir(self):
Returns: True if the path ends on a directory, False
otherwise. If True, the last segment is '', representing the
trailing '/' of the path.
return (self.segments == [] or
(self.segments and self.segments[-1] == ''))
def isfile(self):
Returns: True if the path ends on a file, False otherwise. If
True, the last segment is not '', representing some file as the
last segment of the path.
return not self.isdir
def __truediv__(self, path):
copy = deepcopy(self)
return copy.add(path)
def __eq__(self, other):
return str(self) == str(other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def __bool__(self):
return len(self.segments) > 0
__nonzero__ = __bool__
def __str__(self):
segments = list(self.segments)
if self.isabsolute:
if not segments:
segments = ['', '']
segments.insert(0, '')
return self._path_from_segments(segments)
def __repr__(self):
return "%s('%s')" % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self))
def _segments_from_path(self, path):
Returns: The list of path segments from the path string <path>.
Raises: UserWarning if <path> is an improperly encoded path
string and self.strict is True.
TODO(grun): Accept both list values and string values and
refactor the list vs string interface testing to this common
segments = []
for segment in path.split('/'):
if not is_valid_encoded_path_segment(segment):
segment = quote(utf8(segment))
if self.strict:
s = ("Improperly encoded path string received: '%s'. "
"Proceeding, but did you mean '%s'?" %
(path, self._path_from_segments(segments)))
warnings.warn(s, UserWarning)
del segment
# In Python 3, utf8() returns Bytes objects that must be decoded into
# strings before they can be passed to unquote(). In Python 2, utf8()
# returns strings that can be passed directly to urllib.unquote().
segments = [
if isinstance(segment, bytes) and not isinstance(segment, str)
else segment for segment in segments]
return [unquote(segment) for segment in segments]
def _path_from_segments(self, segments):
Combine the provided path segments <segments> into a path string. Path
segments in <segments> will be quoted.
Returns: A path string with quoted path segments.
segments = [
quote(utf8(attemptstr(segment)), self.SAFE_SEGMENT_CHARS)
for segment in segments]
return '/'.join(segments)
class PathCompositionInterface(object):
Abstract class interface for a parent class that contains a Path.
def __init__(self, strict=False):
force_absolute: See Path._force_absolute.
Assignments to <self> in __init__() must be added to
__setattr__() below.
self._path = Path(force_absolute=self._force_absolute, strict=strict)
def path(self):
return self._path
def pathstr(self):
"""This method is deprecated. Use str(furl.path) instead."""
s = ('furl.pathstr is deprecated. Use str(furl.path) instead. There '
'should be one, and preferably only one, obvious way to serialize'
' a Path object to a string.')
warnings.warn(s, DeprecationWarning)
return str(self._path)
def _force_absolute(self, path):
Subclass me.
def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
Returns: True if this attribute is handled and set here, False
if attr == '_path':
self.__dict__[attr] = value
return True
elif attr == 'path':
return True
return False
class URLPathCompositionInterface(PathCompositionInterface):
Abstract class interface for a parent class that contains a URL
A URL path's isabsolute attribute is absolute and read-only if a
netloc is defined. A path cannot start without '/' if there's a
netloc. For example, the URL 'http://google.coma/path' makes no
sense. It should be 'http://google.com/a/path'.
A URL path's isabsolute attribute is mutable if there's no
netloc. The scheme doesn't matter. For example, the isabsolute
attribute of the URL path in 'mailto:user@host.com', with scheme
'mailto' and path 'user@host.com', is mutable because there is no
netloc. See
def __init__(self, strict=False):
PathCompositionInterface.__init__(self, strict=strict)
def _force_absolute(self, path):
return bool(path) and self.netloc
class FragmentPathCompositionInterface(PathCompositionInterface):
Abstract class interface for a parent class that contains a Fragment
Fragment Paths they be set to absolute (self.isabsolute = True) or
not absolute (self.isabsolute = False).
def __init__(self, strict=False):
PathCompositionInterface.__init__(self, strict=strict)
def _force_absolute(self, path):
return False
class Query(object):
Represents a URL query comprised of zero or more unique parameters
and their respective values.
All interaction with Query.params is done with unquoted strings. So
f.query.params['a'] = 'a%5E'
means the intended value for 'a' is 'a%5E', not 'a^'.
Query.params is implemented as an omdict1D object - a one
dimensional ordered multivalue dictionary. This provides support for
repeated URL parameters, like 'a=1&a=2'. omdict1D is a subclass of
omdict, an ordered multivalue dictionary. Documentation for omdict
can be found here
The one dimensional aspect of omdict1D means that a list of values
is interpreted as multiple values, not a single value which is
itself a list of values. This is a reasonable distinction to make
because URL query parameters are one dimensional: query parameter
values cannot themselves be composed of sub-values.
So what does this mean? This means we can safely interpret
f = furl('http://www.google.com')
f.query.params['arg'] = ['one', 'two', 'three']
as three different values for 'arg': 'one', 'two', and 'three',
instead of a single value which is itself some serialization of the
python list ['one', 'two', 'three']. Thus, the result of the above
will be
f.query.allitems() == [
('arg','one'), ('arg','two'), ('arg','three')]
and not
f.query.allitems() == [('arg', ['one', 'two', 'three'])]
The latter doesn't make sense because query parameter values cannot
be composed of sub-values. So finally
str(f.query) == 'arg=one&arg=two&arg=three'
Additionally, while the set of allowed characters in URL queries is
defined in RFC 3986 section 3.4, the format for encoding key=value
pairs within the query is not. In turn, the parsing of encoded
key=value query pairs differs between implementations.
As a compromise to support equal signs in both key=value pair
encoded queries, like
and non-key=value pair encoded queries, like
equal signs are percent encoded in key=value pairs where the key is
non-empty, e.g.
but not encoded in key=value pairs where the key is empty, e.g.
This presents a reasonable compromise to accurately reproduce
non-key=value queries with equal signs while also still percent
encoding equal signs in key=value pair encoded queries, as
expected. See
for more details.
params: Ordered multivalue dictionary of query parameter key:value
pairs. Parameters in self.params are maintained URL decoded,
e.g. 'a b' not 'a+b'.
strict: Boolean whether or not UserWarnings should be raised if
improperly encoded query strings are provided to methods that
take such strings, like load(), add(), set(), remove(), etc.
# From RFC 3986:
# query = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
# pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@"
# unreserved = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
# sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
# / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
SAFE_KEY_CHARS = "/?:@-._~!$'()*+,;"
def __init__(self, query='', strict=False):
self.strict = strict
self._params = omdict1D()
def load(self, query):
items = self._items(query)
return self
def add(self, args):
for param, value in self._items(args):
self.params.add(param, value)
return self
def set(self, mapping):
Adopt all mappings in <mapping>, replacing any existing mappings
with the same key. If a key has multiple values in <mapping>,
they are all adopted.
== [(1,None),(2,2)]
== [(1,1),(2,2),(1,11)]
== [(1,1),(1,11),(1,111)]
Returns: <self>.
return self
def remove(self, query):
if query is True:
return self
# Single key to remove.
items = [query]
# Dictionary or multivalue dictionary of items to remove.
if callable_attr(query, 'items'):
items = self._items(query)
# List of keys or items to remove.
elif non_string_iterable(query):
items = query
for item in items:
if non_string_iterable(item) and len(item) == 2:
key, value = item
self.params.popvalue(key, value, None)
key = item
self.params.pop(key, None)
return self
def params(self):
return self._params
def params(self, params):
items = self._items(params)
for key, value in items:
self._params.add(key, value)
def encode(self, delimiter='&', quote_plus=True, dont_quote='',
Query('a=a&b=#').encode() == 'a=a&b=%23'
Query('a=a&b=#').encode(';') == 'a=a;b=%23'
Query('a+b=c@d').encode(dont_quote='@') == 'a+b=c@d'
Query('a+b=c@d').encode(quote_plus=False) == 'a%20b=c%40d'
Until furl v0.4.6, the 'delimiter' argument was incorrectly
spelled 'delimeter'. For backwards compatibility, accept both
the correct 'delimiter' and the old, misspelled 'delimeter'.
Keys and values are encoded application/x-www-form-urlencoded if
<quote_plus> is True, percent-encoded otherwise.
<dont_quote> exempts valid query characters from being
percent-encoded, either in their entirety with dont_quote=True,
or selectively with dont_quote=<string>, like
dont_quote='/?@_'. Invalid query characters -- those not in
self.SAFE_KEY_CHARS, like '#' and '^' -- are always encoded,
even if included in <dont_quote>. For example:
Query('#=^').encode(dont_quote='#^') == '%23=%5E'.
Returns: A URL encoded query string using <delimiter> as the
delimiter separating key:value pairs. The most common and
default delimiter is '&', but ';' can also be specified. ';' is
W3C recommended.
if delimeter is not _absent:
delimiter = delimeter
quote_key = create_quote_fn(self.SAFE_KEY_CHARS, quote_plus)
quote_value = create_quote_fn(self.SAFE_VALUE_CHARS, quote_plus)
pairs = []
for key, value in self.params.iterallitems():
utf8key = utf8(key, utf8(attemptstr(key)))
quoted_key = quote_key(utf8key, dont_quote)
if value is None: # Example: http://sprop.su/?key.
pair = quoted_key
else: # Example: http://sprop.su/?key=value.
utf8value = utf8(value, utf8(attemptstr(value)))
quoted_value = quote_value(utf8value, dont_quote)
if not quoted_key: # Unquote '=' to allow queries like '?==='.
quoted_value = quoted_value.replace('%3D', '=')
pair = '%s=%s' % (quoted_key, quoted_value)
query = delimiter.join(pairs)
return query
def asdict(self):
return {
'encoded': str(self),
'params': self.params.allitems(),
def __eq__(self, other):
return str(self) == str(other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def __bool__(self):
return len(self.params) > 0
__nonzero__ = __bool__
def __str__(self):
return self.encode()
def __repr__(self):
return "%s('%s')" % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self))
def _items(self, items):
Extract and return the key:value items from various
containers. Some containers that could hold key:value items are
- List of (key,value) tuples.
- Dictionaries of key:value items.
- Multivalue dictionary of key:value items, with potentially
repeated keys.
- Query string with encoded params and values.
Keys and values are passed through unmodified unless they were
passed in within an encoded query string, like
'a=a%20a&b=b'. Keys and values passed in within an encoded query
string are unquoted by urlparse.parse_qsl(), which uses
urllib.unquote_plus() internally.
Returns: List of items as (key, value) tuples. Keys and values
are passed through unmodified unless they were passed in as part
of an encoded query string, in which case the final keys and
values that are returned will be unquoted.
Raises: UserWarning if <path> is an improperly encoded path
string and self.strict is True.
if not items:
items = []
# Multivalue Dictionary-like interface. e.g. {'a':1, 'a':2,
# 'b':2}
elif callable_attr(items, 'allitems'):
items = list(items.allitems())
elif callable_attr(items, 'iterallitems'):
items = list(items.iterallitems())
# Dictionary-like interface. e.g. {'a':1, 'b':2, 'c':3}
elif callable_attr(items, 'items'):
items = list(items.items())
elif callable_attr(items, 'iteritems'):
items = list(items.iteritems())
# Encoded query string. e.g. 'a=1&b=2&c=3'
elif isinstance(items, six.string_types):
items = self._extract_items_from_querystr(items)
# Default to list of key:value items interface. e.g. [('a','1'),
# ('b','2')]
items = list(items)
return items
def _extract_items_from_querystr(self, querystr):
items = []
pairstrs = querystr.split('&')
pairs = [item.split('=', 1) for item in pairstrs]
pairs = [(p[0], lget(p, 1, '')) for p in pairs] # Pad with value ''.
for pairstr, (key, value) in six.moves.zip(pairstrs, pairs):
valid_key = is_valid_encoded_query_key(key)
valid_value = is_valid_encoded_query_value(value)
if self.strict and (not valid_key or not valid_value):
msg = (
"Incorrectly percent encoded query string received: '%s'. "
"Proceeding, but did you mean '%s'?" %
(querystr, urllib.parse.urlencode(pairs)))
warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning)
key_decoded = unquote(key.replace('+', ' '))
# Empty value without a '=', e.g. '?sup'.
if key == pairstr:
value_decoded = None
value_decoded = unquote(value.replace('+', ' '))
items.append((key_decoded, value_decoded))
return items
class QueryCompositionInterface(object):
Abstract class interface for a parent class that contains a Query.
def __init__(self, strict=False):
self._query = Query(strict=strict)
def query(self):
return self._query
def querystr(self):
"""This method is deprecated. Use str(furl.query) instead."""
s = ('furl.querystr is deprecated. Use str(furl.query) instead. There '
'should be one, and preferably only one, obvious way to serialize'
' a Query object to a string.')
warnings.warn(s, DeprecationWarning)
return str(self._query)
def args(self):
Shortcut method to access the query parameters, self._query.params.
return self._query.params
def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
Returns: True if this attribute is handled and set here, False
if attr == 'args' or attr == 'query':
return True
return False
class Fragment(FragmentPathCompositionInterface, QueryCompositionInterface):
Represents a URL fragment, comprised internally of a Path and Query
optionally separated by a '?' character.
path: Path object from FragmentPathCompositionInterface.
query: Query object from QueryCompositionInterface.
separator: Boolean whether or not a '?' separator should be
included in the string representation of this fragment. When
False, a '?' character will not separate the fragment path from
the fragment query in the fragment string. This is useful to
build fragments like '#!arg1=val1&arg2=val2', where no
separating '?' is desired.
def __init__(self, fragment='', strict=False):
FragmentPathCompositionInterface.__init__(self, strict=strict)
QueryCompositionInterface.__init__(self, strict=strict)
self.strict = strict
self.separator = True
def load(self, fragment):
if fragment is None:
fragment = ''
toks = fragment.split('?', 1)
if len(toks) == 0:
elif len(toks) == 1:
# Does this fragment look like a path or a query? Default to
# path.
if '=' in fragment: # Query example: '#woofs=dogs'.
else: # Path example: '#supinthisthread'.
# Does toks[1] actually look like a query? Like 'a=a' or
# 'a=' or '=a'?
if '=' in toks[1]:
# If toks[1] doesn't look like a query, the user probably
# provided a fragment string like 'a?b?' that was intended
# to be adopted as-is, not a two part fragment with path 'a'
# and query 'b?'.
def add(self, path=_absent, args=_absent):
if path is not _absent:
if args is not _absent:
return self
def set(self, path=_absent, args=_absent, separator=_absent):
if path is not _absent:
if args is not _absent:
if separator is True or separator is False:
self.separator = separator
return self
def remove(self, fragment=_absent, path=_absent, args=_absent):
if fragment is True:
if path is not _absent:
if args is not _absent:
return self
def asdict(self):
return {
'encoded': str(self),
'separator': self.separator,
'path': self.path.asdict(),
'query': self.query.asdict(),
def __eq__(self, other):
return str(self) == str(other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
if (not PathCompositionInterface.__setattr__(self, attr, value) and
not QueryCompositionInterface.__setattr__(self, attr, value)):
object.__setattr__(self, attr, value)
def __bool__(self):
return bool(self.path) or bool(self.query)
__nonzero__ = __bool__
def __str__(self):
path, query = str(self._path), str(self._query)
# If there is no query or self.separator is False, decode all
# '?' characters in the path from their percent encoded form
# '%3F' to '?'. This allows for fragment strings containg '?'s,
# like '#dog?machine?yes'.
if path and (not query or not self.separator):
path = path.replace('%3F', '?')
separator = '?' if path and query and self.separator else ''
return path + separator + query
def __repr__(self):
return "%s('%s')" % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self))
class FragmentCompositionInterface(object):
Abstract class interface for a parent class that contains a
def __init__(self, strict=False):
self._fragment = Fragment(strict=strict)
def fragment(self):
return self._fragment
def fragmentstr(self):
"""This method is deprecated. Use str(furl.fragment) instead."""
s = ('furl.fragmentstr is deprecated. Use str(furl.fragment) instead. '
'There should be one, and preferably only one, obvious way to '
'serialize a Fragment object to a string.')
warnings.warn(s, DeprecationWarning)
return str(self._fragment)
def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
Returns: True if this attribute is handled and set here, False
if attr == 'fragment':
return True
return False
class furl(URLPathCompositionInterface, QueryCompositionInterface,
FragmentCompositionInterface, UnicodeMixin):
Object for simple parsing and manipulation of a URL and its
strict: Boolean whether or not UserWarnings should be raised if
improperly encoded path, query, or fragment strings are provided
to methods that take such strings, like load(), add(), set(),
remove(), etc.
username: Username string for authentication. Initially None.
password: Password string for authentication with
<username>. Initially None.
scheme: URL scheme. A string ('http', 'https', '', etc) or None.
All lowercase. Initially None.
host: URL host (hostname, IPv4 address, or IPv6 address), not
including port. All lowercase. Initially None.
port: Port. Valid port values are 1-65535, or None meaning no port
netloc: Network location. Combined host and port string. Initially
path: Path object from URLPathCompositionInterface.
query: Query object from QueryCompositionInterface.
fragment: Fragment object from FragmentCompositionInterface.
def __init__(self, url='', args=_absent, path=_absent, fragment=_absent,
scheme=_absent, netloc=_absent, origin=_absent,
fragment_path=_absent, fragment_args=_absent,
fragment_separator=_absent, host=_absent, port=_absent,
query=_absent, query_params=_absent, username=_absent,
password=_absent, strict=False):
Raises: ValueError on invalid URL or invalid URL component(s) provided.
URLPathCompositionInterface.__init__(self, strict=strict)
QueryCompositionInterface.__init__(self, strict=strict)
FragmentCompositionInterface.__init__(self, strict=strict)
self.strict = strict
self.load(url) # Raises ValueError on invalid URL.
self.set( # Raises ValueError on invalid URL component(s).
args=args, path=path, fragment=fragment, scheme=scheme,
netloc=netloc, origin=origin, fragment_path=fragment_path,
fragment_args=fragment_args, fragment_separator=fragment_separator,
host=host, port=port, query=query, query_params=query_params,
username=username, password=password)
def load(self, url):
Parse and load a URL.
Raises: ValueError on invalid URL, like a malformed IPv6 address
or invalid port.
self.username = self.password = None
self._host = self._port = self._scheme = None
if url is None:
url = ''
if not isinstance(url, six.string_types):
url = str(url)
# urlsplit() raises a ValueError on malformed IPv6 addresses in
# Python 2.7+.
tokens = urlsplit(url)
self.netloc = tokens.netloc # Raises ValueError in Python 2.7+.
self.scheme = tokens.scheme
if not self.port:
self._port = DEFAULT_PORTS.get(self.scheme)
return self
def scheme(self):
return self._scheme
def scheme(self, scheme):
if callable_attr(scheme, 'lower'):
scheme = scheme.lower()
self._scheme = scheme
def host(self):
return self._host
def host(self, host):
Raises: ValueError on invalid host or malformed IPv6 address.
# Invalid IPv6 literal.
urllib.parse.urlsplit('http://%s/' % host) # Raises ValueError.
# Invalid host string.
resembles_ipv6_literal = (
host is not None and lget(host, 0) == '[' and ':' in host and
lget(host, -1) == ']')
if (host is not None and not resembles_ipv6_literal and
not is_valid_host(host)):
errmsg = (
"Invalid host '%s'. Host strings must have at least one "
"non-period character, can't contain any of '%s', and can't "
"have adjacent periods.")
raise ValueError(errmsg % (host, INVALID_HOST_CHARS))
if callable_attr(host, 'lower'):
host = host.lower()
if callable_attr(host, 'startswith') and host.startswith('xn--'):
host = idna_decode(host)
self._host = host
def port(self):
return self._port or DEFAULT_PORTS.get(self.scheme)
def port(self, port):
The port value can be 1-65535 or None, meaning no port specified. If
<port> is None and self.scheme is a known scheme in DEFAULT_PORTS,
the default port value from DEFAULT_PORTS will be used.
Raises: ValueError on invalid port.
if port is None:
self._port = DEFAULT_PORTS.get(self.scheme)
elif is_valid_port(port):
self._port = int(str(port))
raise ValueError("Invalid port '%s'." % port)
def netloc(self):
userpass = quote(utf8(self.username) or '', safe='')
if self.password is not None:
userpass += ':' + quote(utf8(self.password), safe='')
if userpass or self.username is not None:
userpass += '@'
netloc = idna_encode(self.host)
if self.port and self.port != DEFAULT_PORTS.get(self.scheme):
netloc = (netloc or '') + (':' + str(self.port))
if userpass or netloc:
netloc = (userpass or '') + (netloc or '')
return netloc
def netloc(self, netloc):
netloc: Network location string, like 'google.com' or
Raises: ValueError on invalid port or malformed IPv6 address.
# Raises ValueError on malformed IPv6 addresses.
urllib.parse.urlsplit('http://%s/' % netloc)
username = password = host = port = None
if netloc and '@' in netloc:
userpass, netloc = netloc.split('@', 1)
if ':' in userpass:
username, password = userpass.split(':', 1)
username = userpass
if netloc and ':' in netloc:
# IPv6 address literal.
if ']' in netloc:
colonpos, bracketpos = netloc.rfind(':'), netloc.rfind(']')
if colonpos > bracketpos and colonpos != bracketpos + 1:
raise ValueError("Invalid netloc '%s'." % netloc)
elif colonpos > bracketpos and colonpos == bracketpos + 1:
host, port = netloc.rsplit(':', 1)
host = netloc
host, port = netloc.rsplit(':', 1)
host = host
host = netloc
# Avoid side effects by assigning self.port before self.host so
# that if an exception is raised when assigning self.port,
# self.host isn't updated.
self.port = port # Raises ValueError on invalid port.
self.host = host
self.username = None if username is None else unquote(username)
self.password = None if password is None else unquote(password)
def origin(self):
port = ''
scheme = self.scheme or ''
host = idna_encode(self.host) or ''
if self.port and self.port != DEFAULT_PORTS.get(self.scheme):
port = ':%s' % self.port
origin = '%s://%s%s' % (scheme, host, port)
return origin
def origin(self, origin):
if origin is None:
self.scheme = self.netloc = None
toks = origin.split('://', 1)
if len(toks) == 1:
host_port = origin
self.scheme, host_port = toks
if ':' in host_port:
self.host, self.port = host_port.split(':', 1)
self.host = host_port
def url(self):
return self.tostr()
def url(self, url):
return self.load(url)
def add(self, args=_absent, path=_absent, fragment_path=_absent,
fragment_args=_absent, query_params=_absent):
Add components to a URL and return this furl instance, <self>.
If both <args> and <query_params> are provided, a UserWarning is
raised because <args> is provided as a shortcut for
<query_params>, not to be used simultaneously with
<query_params>. Nonetheless, providing both <args> and
<query_params> behaves as expected, with query keys and values
from both <args> and <query_params> added to the query - <args>
first, then <query_params>.
args: Shortcut for <query_params>.
path: A list of path segments to add to the existing path
segments, or a path string to join with the existing path
query_params: A dictionary of query keys and values or list of
key:value items to add to the query.
fragment_path: A list of path segments to add to the existing
fragment path segments, or a path string to join with the
existing fragment path string.
fragment_args: A dictionary of query keys and values or list
of key:value items to add to the fragment's query.
Returns: <self>.
Raises: UserWarning if redundant and possibly conflicting <args> and
<query_params> were provided.
if args is not _absent and query_params is not _absent:
s = ('Both <args> and <query_params> provided to furl.add(). '
'<args> is a shortcut for <query_params>, not to be used '
'with <query_params>. See furl.add() documentation for more '
warnings.warn(s, UserWarning)
if path is not _absent:
if args is not _absent:
if query_params is not _absent:
if fragment_path is not _absent or fragment_args is not _absent:
self.fragment.add(path=fragment_path, args=fragment_args)
return self
def set(self, args=_absent, path=_absent, fragment=_absent, query=_absent,
scheme=_absent, username=_absent, password=_absent, host=_absent,
port=_absent, netloc=_absent, origin=_absent, query_params=_absent,
fragment_path=_absent, fragment_args=_absent,
Set components of a url and return this furl instance, <self>.
If any overlapping, and hence possibly conflicting, parameters
are provided, appropriate UserWarning's will be raised. The
groups of parameters that could potentially overlap are
<scheme> and <origin>
<origin>, <netloc>, and/or (<host> or <port>)
<fragment> and (<fragment_path> and/or <fragment_args>)
any two or all of <query>, <args>, and/or <query_params>
In all of the above groups, the latter parameter(s) take
precedence over the earlier parameter(s). So, for example
netloc='yahoo.com:99', host='bing.com', port=40)
will result in a UserWarning being raised and the url becoming
args: Shortcut for <query_params>.
path: A list of path segments or a path string to adopt.
fragment: Fragment string to adopt.
scheme: Scheme string to adopt.
netloc: Network location string to adopt.
origin: Scheme and netloc.
query: Query string to adopt.
query_params: A dictionary of query keys and values or list of
key:value items to adopt.
fragment_path: A list of path segments to adopt for the
fragment's path or a path string to adopt as the fragment's
fragment_args: A dictionary of query keys and values or list
of key:value items for the fragment's query to adopt.
fragment_separator: Boolean whether or not there should be a
'?' separator between the fragment path and fragment query.
host: Host string to adopt.
port: Port number to adopt.
username: Username string to adopt.
password: Password string to adopt.
ValueError on invalid port.
UserWarning if <scheme> and <origin> are provided.
UserWarning if <origin>, <netloc> and/or (<host> and/or <port>) are
UserWarning if <query>, <args>, and/or <query_params> are provided.
UserWarning if <fragment> and (<fragment_path>,
<fragment_args>, and/or <fragment_separator>) are provided.
Returns: <self>.
def present(v):
return v is not _absent
if present(scheme) and present(origin):
s = ('Possible parameter overlap: <scheme> and <origin>. See '
'furl.set() documentation for more details.')
warnings.warn(s, UserWarning)
provided = [
present(netloc), present(origin), present(host) or present(port)]
if sum(provided) >= 2:
s = ('Possible parameter overlap: <origin>, <netloc> and/or '
'(<host> and/or <port>) provided. See furl.set() '
'documentation for more details.')
warnings.warn(s, UserWarning)
if sum(present(p) for p in [args, query, query_params]) >= 2:
s = ('Possible parameter overlap: <query>, <args>, and/or '
'<query_params> provided. See furl.set() documentation for '
'more details.')
warnings.warn(s, UserWarning)
provided = [fragment_path, fragment_args, fragment_separator]
if present(fragment) and any(present(p) for p in provided):
s = ('Possible parameter overlap: <fragment> and '
'(<fragment_path>and/or <fragment_args>) or <fragment> '
'and <fragment_separator> provided. See furl.set() '
'documentation for more details.')
warnings.warn(s, UserWarning)
# Guard against side effects on exception.
original_url = self.url
if username is not _absent:
self.username = username
if password is not _absent:
self.password = password
if netloc is not _absent:
# Raises ValueError on invalid port or malformed IP.
self.netloc = netloc
if origin is not _absent:
# Raises ValueError on invalid port or malformed IP.
self.origin = origin
if scheme is not _absent:
self.scheme = scheme
if host is not _absent:
# Raises ValueError on invalid host or malformed IP.
self.host = host
if port is not _absent:
self.port = port # Raises ValueError on invalid port.
if path is not _absent:
if query is not _absent:
if args is not _absent:
if query_params is not _absent:
if fragment is not _absent:
if fragment_path is not _absent:
if fragment_args is not _absent:
if fragment_separator is not _absent:
self.fragment.separator = fragment_separator
except Exception:
return self
def remove(self, args=_absent, path=_absent, fragment=_absent,
query=_absent, scheme=False, username=False, password=False,
host=False, port=False, netloc=False, origin=False,
query_params=_absent, fragment_path=_absent,
Remove components of this furl's URL and return this furl
instance, <self>.
args: Shortcut for query_params.
path: A list of path segments to remove from the end of the
existing path segments list, or a path string to remove from
the end of the existing path string, or True to remove the
path portion of the URL entirely.
query: A list of query keys to remove from the query, if they
exist, or True to remove the query portion of the URL
query_params: A list of query keys to remove from the query,
if they exist.
port: If True, remove the port from the network location
string, if it exists.
fragment: If True, remove the fragment portion of the URL
fragment_path: A list of path segments to remove from the end
of the fragment's path segments or a path string to remove
from the end of the fragment's path string.
fragment_args: A list of query keys to remove from the
fragment's query, if they exist.
username: If True, remove the username, if it exists.
password: If True, remove the password, if it exists.
Returns: <self>.
if scheme is True:
self.scheme = None
if username is True:
self.username = None
if password is True:
self.password = None
if host is True:
self.host = None
if port is True:
self.port = None
if netloc is True:
self.netloc = None
if origin is True:
self.origin = None
if path is not _absent:
if args is not _absent:
if query is not _absent:
if query_params is not _absent:
if fragment is not _absent:
if fragment_path is not _absent:
if fragment_args is not _absent:
return self
def tostr(self, query_delimiter='&', query_quote_plus=True,
encoded_query = self.query.encode(
query_delimiter, query_quote_plus, query_dont_quote)
url = urllib.parse.urlunsplit((
self.scheme or '', # Must be text type in Python 3.
# Differentiate between '' and None values for scheme and netloc.
if self.scheme == '':
url = ':' + url
if self.netloc == '':
if self.scheme is None:
url = '//' + url
elif strip_scheme(url) == '':
url = url + '//'
return str(url)
def join(self, *urls):
for url in urls:
if not isinstance(url, six.string_types):
url = str(url)
newurl = urljoin(self.url, url)
return self
def copy(self):
return self.__class__(self)
def asdict(self):
return {
'url': self.url,
'scheme': self.scheme,
'username': self.username,
'password': self.password,
'host': self.host,
'host_encoded': idna_encode(self.host),
'port': self.port,
'netloc': self.netloc,
'origin': self.origin,
'path': self.path.asdict(),
'query': self.query.asdict(),
'fragment': self.fragment.asdict(),
def __truediv__(self, path):
return self.copy().add(path=path)
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.url == other.url
except AttributeError:
return None
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
if (not PathCompositionInterface.__setattr__(self, attr, value) and
not QueryCompositionInterface.__setattr__(self, attr, value) and
not FragmentCompositionInterface.__setattr__(self, attr, value)):
object.__setattr__(self, attr, value)
def __unicode__(self):
return self.tostr()
def __repr__(self):
return "%s('%s')" % (self.__class__.__name__, str(self))