from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import operator import os import re from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from copy import deepcopy from itertools import chain, starmap from operator import itemgetter from os import path from typing import Text, List, Type, Optional, Tuple import semantic_version from pathlib2 import Path from pyhocon import ConfigTree from requirements import parse # noinspection PyPackageRequirements from requirements.requirement import Requirement import six from trains_agent.definitions import PIP_EXTRA_INDICES from trains_agent.helper.base import warning, is_conda, which, join_lines, is_windows_platform from trains_agent.helper.process import Argv, PathLike from trains_agent.session import Session, normalize_cuda_version from .translator import RequirementsTranslator class SpecsResolutionError(Exception): pass class FatalSpecsResolutionError(Exception): pass @six.python_2_unicode_compatible class MarkerRequirement(object): def __init__(self, req): # type: (Requirement) -> None self.req = req @property def marker(self): match =';\s*(.*)', self.req.line) if match: return return None def tostr(self, markers=True): if not self.uri: parts = [] if self.extras: parts.append('[{0}]'.format(','.join(sorted(self.extras)))) if self.specifier: parts.append(self.format_specs()) else: parts = [self.uri] if markers and self.marker: parts.append('; {0}'.format(self.marker)) return ''.join(parts) __str__ = tostr def __repr__(self): return '{self.__class__.__name__}[{self}]'.format(self=self) def format_specs(self): return ','.join(starmap(operator.add, self.specs)) def __getattr__(self, item): return getattr(self.req, item) @property def specs(self): # type: () -> List[Tuple[Text, Text]] return self.req.specs @specs.setter def specs(self, value): # type: (List[Tuple[Text, Text]]) -> None self.req.specs = value def fix_specs(self): def solve_by(func, op_is, specs): return func([(op, version) for op, version in specs if op == op_is]) def solve_equal(specs): if len(set(version for _, version in self.specs)) > 1: raise SpecsResolutionError('more than one "==" spec: {}'.format(specs)) return specs greater = solve_by(lambda specs: [max(specs, key=itemgetter(1))], '<=', self.specs) smaller = solve_by(lambda specs: [min(specs, key=itemgetter(1))], '>=', self.specs) equal = solve_by(solve_equal, '==', self.specs) if equal: self.specs = equal else: self.specs = greater + smaller @six.add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class RequirementSubstitution(object): _pip_extra_index_url = PIP_EXTRA_INDICES def __init__(self, session): # type: (Session) -> () self._session = session self.config = session.config # type: ConfigTree self.suffix = '.post{config[agent.cuda_version]}.dev{config[agent.cudnn_version]}'.format(config=self.config) self.package_manager = self.config['agent.package_manager.type'] @abstractmethod def match(self, req): # type: (MarkerRequirement) -> bool """ Returns whether a requirement needs to be modified by this substitution. """ pass @abstractmethod def replace(self, req): # type: (MarkerRequirement) -> Text """ Replace a requirement """ pass def post_install(self): pass @classmethod def get_pip_version(cls, package): output = Argv( 'pip', 'search', package, *(chain.from_iterable(('-i', x) for x in cls._pip_extra_index_url)) ).get_output() # ad-hoc pattern to duplicate the behavior of the old code return'{} \((\d+\.\d+\.[^.]+)'.format(package), output).group(1) @property def cuda_version(self): return self.config['agent.cuda_version'] @property def cudnn_version(self): return self.config['agent.cudnn_version'] class SimpleSubstitution(RequirementSubstitution): @property @abstractmethod def name(self): pass def match(self, req): # type: (MarkerRequirement) -> bool return ( == or ( req.uri and re.match(r'https?://', req.uri) and in req.uri )) def replace(self, req): # type: (MarkerRequirement) -> Text """ Replace a requirement :raises: ValueError if version is pre-release """ if req.uri: return re.sub( r'({})(.*?)(-cp)'.format(, r'\1\2{}\3'.format(self.suffix), req.uri, count=1) if req.specs: _, version_number = req.specs[0] assert semantic_version.Version(version_number, partial=True) else: version_number = self.get_pip_version( req.specs = [('==', version_number + self.suffix)] return Text(req) @six.add_metaclass(ABCMeta) class CudaSensitiveSubstitution(SimpleSubstitution): def match(self, req): # type: (MarkerRequirement) -> bool return self.cuda_version and self.cudnn_version and \ super(CudaSensitiveSubstitution, self).match(req) class CudaNotFound(Exception): pass class RequirementsManager(object): def __init__(self, session, base_interpreter=None): # type: (Session, PathLike) -> () self._session = session self.config = deepcopy(session.config) # type: ConfigTree self.handlers = [] # type: List[RequirementSubstitution] agent = self.config['agent'] = not agent.get('cpu_only', False) self.found_cuda = False if try: agent['cuda_version'], agent['cudnn_version'] = self.get_cuda_version(self.config) self.found_cuda = True except Exception: # if we have a cuda version, it is good enough (we dont have to have cudnn version) if agent.get('cuda_version'): self.found_cuda = True pip_cache_dir = Path(self.config["agent.pip_download_cache.path"]).expanduser() / ( 'cu'+agent['cuda_version'] if self.found_cuda else 'cpu') self.translator = RequirementsTranslator(session, interpreter=base_interpreter, cache_dir=pip_cache_dir.as_posix()) def register(self, cls): # type: (Type[RequirementSubstitution]) -> None self.handlers.append(cls(self._session)) def _replace_one(self, req): # type: (MarkerRequirement) -> Optional[Text] match =';\s*(.*)', Text(req)) if match: req.markers =',') if not return None for handler in self.handlers: if handler.match(req): return handler.replace(req) return None def replace(self, requirements): # type: (Text) -> Text parsed_requirements = tuple( map( MarkerRequirement, filter( None, parse(requirements) if isinstance(requirements, six.text_type) else (next(parse(line), None) for line in requirements) ) ) ) if not parsed_requirements: # return the original requirements just in case return requirements def replace_one(i, req): # type: (int, MarkerRequirement) -> Optional[Text] try: return self._replace_one(req) except FatalSpecsResolutionError: warning('could not resolve python wheel replacement for {}'.format(req)) raise except Exception: warning('could not resolve python wheel replacement for {}, ' 'using original requirements line: {}'.format(req, i)) return None new_requirements = tuple(replace_one(i, req) for i, req in enumerate(parsed_requirements)) conda = is_conda(self.config) result = map( lambda x, y: (x if x is not None else y.tostr(markers=not conda)), new_requirements, parsed_requirements ) if not conda: result = map(self.translator.translate, result) return join_lines(result) def post_install(self): for h in self.handlers: try: h.post_install() except Exception as ex: print('RequirementsManager handler {} raised exception: {}'.format(h, ex)) @staticmethod def get_cuda_version(config): # type: (ConfigTree) -> (Text, Text) # we assume os.environ already updated the config['agent.cuda_version'] & config['agent.cudnn_version'] cuda_version = config['agent.cuda_version'] cudnn_version = config['agent.cudnn_version'] if cuda_version and cudnn_version: return normalize_cuda_version(cuda_version), normalize_cuda_version(cudnn_version) if not cuda_version and is_windows_platform(): try: cuda_vers = [int(k.replace('CUDA_PATH_V', '').replace('_', '')) for k in os.environ.keys() if k.startswith('CUDA_PATH_V')] cuda_vers = max(cuda_vers) if cuda_vers > 40: cuda_version = cuda_vers except: pass if not cuda_version: try: try: nvcc = 'nvcc.exe' if is_windows_platform() else 'nvcc' if is_windows_platform() and 'CUDA_PATH' in os.environ: nvcc = os.path.join(os.environ['CUDA_PATH'], nvcc) output = Argv(nvcc, '--version').get_output() except OSError: raise CudaNotFound('nvcc not found') match ='release (.{3})', output).group(1) cuda_version = Text(int(float(match) * 10)) except: pass if not cuda_version: try: try: output = Argv('nvidia-smi',).get_output() except OSError: raise CudaNotFound('nvcc not found') match ='CUDA Version: ([0-9]+).([0-9]+)', output) match ='.' cuda_version = Text(int(float(match) * 10)) except: pass if not cudnn_version: try: cuda_lib = which('nvcc') if is_windows_platform: cudnn_h = path.sep.join(cuda_lib.split(path.sep)[:-2] + ['include', 'cudnn.h']) else: cudnn_h = path.join(path.sep, *(cuda_lib.split(path.sep)[:-2] + ['include', 'cudnn.h'])) cudnn_major, cudnn_minor = None, None try: include_file = open(cudnn_h) except OSError: raise CudaNotFound('Could not read cudnn.h') with include_file: for line in include_file: if 'CUDNN_MAJOR' in line: cudnn_major = line.split()[-1] if 'CUDNN_MINOR' in line: cudnn_minor = line.split()[-1] if cudnn_major and cudnn_minor: break cudnn_version = cudnn_major + (cudnn_minor or '0') except: pass return (normalize_cuda_version(cuda_version or 0), normalize_cuda_version(cudnn_version or 0))