from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals import base64 import functools import json import logging import os import re import subprocess import tempfile from copy import deepcopy from pathlib import Path from threading import Thread from time import sleep from typing import Text, List import yaml from import Events from clearml_agent.commands.worker import Worker from clearml_agent.definitions import ENV_DOCKER_IMAGE from clearml_agent.errors import APIError from clearml_agent.helper.base import safe_remove_file from clearml_agent.helper.dicts import merge_dicts from clearml_agent.helper.process import get_bash_output from clearml_agent.helper.resource_monitor import ResourceMonitor from clearml_agent.interface.base import ObjectID class K8sIntegration(Worker): K8S_PENDING_QUEUE = "k8s_scheduler" K8S_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = "clearml" KUBECTL_APPLY_CMD = "kubectl apply --namespace={namespace} -f" KUBECTL_RUN_CMD = "kubectl run clearml-{queue_name}-id-{task_id} " \ "--image {docker_image} " \ "--restart=Never " \ "--namespace={namespace}" KUBECTL_DELETE_CMD = "kubectl delete pods " \ "--selector=TRAINS=agent " \ "--field-selector=status.phase!=Pending,status.phase!=Running " \ "--namespace={namespace}" BASH_INSTALL_SSH_CMD = [ "apt-get update", "apt-get install -y openssh-server", "mkdir -p /var/run/sshd", "echo 'root:training' | chpasswd", "echo 'PermitRootLogin yes' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config", "sed -i 's/PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config", r"sed 's@session\s*required\s* optional' -i /etc/pam.d/sshd", "echo 'AcceptEnv TRAINS_API_ACCESS_KEY TRAINS_API_SECRET_KEY CLEARML_API_ACCESS_KEY CLEARML_API_SECRET_KEY' " ">> /etc/ssh/sshd_config", 'echo "export VISIBLE=now" >> /etc/profile', 'echo "export PATH=$PATH" >> /etc/profile', 'echo "ldconfig" >> /etc/profile', "/usr/sbin/sshd -p {port}"] CONTAINER_BASH_SCRIPT = [ "export DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive'", "echo 'Binary::apt::APT::Keep-Downloaded-Packages \"true\";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/docker-clean", "chown -R root /root/.cache/pip", "apt-get update", "apt-get install -y git libsm6 libxext6 libxrender-dev libglib2.0-0", "declare LOCAL_PYTHON", "for i in {{10..5}}; do which python3.$i && python3.$i -m pip --version && " "export LOCAL_PYTHON=$(which python3.$i) && break ; done", "[ ! -z $LOCAL_PYTHON ] || apt-get install -y python3-pip", "[ ! -z $LOCAL_PYTHON ] || export LOCAL_PYTHON=python3", "$LOCAL_PYTHON -m pip install clearml-agent", "{extra_bash_init_cmd}", "$LOCAL_PYTHON -m clearml_agent execute --full-monitoring --require-queue --id {task_id}" ] AGENT_LABEL = "TRAINS=agent" LIMIT_POD_LABEL = "ai.allegro.agent.serial=pod-{pod_number}" _edit_hyperparams_version = "2.9" def __init__( self, k8s_pending_queue_name=None, kubectl_cmd=None, container_bash_script=None, debug=False, ports_mode=False, num_of_services=20, base_pod_num=1, user_props_cb=None, overrides_yaml=None, template_yaml=None, clearml_conf_file=None, extra_bash_init_script=None, namespace=None, max_pods_limit=None, **kwargs ): """ Initialize the k8s integration glue layer daemon :param str k8s_pending_queue_name: queue name to use when task is pending in the k8s scheduler :param str|callable kubectl_cmd: kubectl command line str, supports formatting (default: KUBECTL_RUN_CMD) example: "task={task_id} image={docker_image} queue_id={queue_id}" or a callable function: kubectl_cmd(task_id, docker_image, queue_id, task_data) :param str container_bash_script: container bash script to be executed in k8s (default: CONTAINER_BASH_SCRIPT) Notice this string will use format() call, if you have curly brackets they should be doubled { -> {{ Format arguments passed: {task_id} and {extra_bash_init_cmd} :param bool debug: Switch logging on :param bool ports_mode: Adds a label to each pod which can be used in services in order to expose ports. Requires the `num_of_services` parameter. :param int num_of_services: Number of k8s services configured in the cluster. Required if `port_mode` is True. (default: 20) :param int base_pod_num: Used when `ports_mode` is True, sets the base pod number to a given value (default: 1) :param callable user_props_cb: An Optional callable allowing additional user properties to be specified when scheduling a task to run in a pod. Callable can receive an optional pod number and should return a dictionary of user properties (name and value). Signature is [[Optional[int]], Dict[str,str]] :param str overrides_yaml: YAML file containing the overrides for the pod (optional) :param str template_yaml: YAML file containing the template for the pod (optional). If provided the pod is scheduled with kubectl apply and overrides are ignored, otherwise with kubectl run. :param str clearml_conf_file: clearml.conf file to be use by the pod itself (optional) :param str extra_bash_init_script: Additional bash script to run before starting the Task inside the container :param str namespace: K8S namespace to be used when creating the new pods (default: clearml) :param int max_pods_limit: Maximum number of pods that K8S glue can run at the same time """ super(K8sIntegration, self).__init__() self.k8s_pending_queue_name = k8s_pending_queue_name or self.K8S_PENDING_QUEUE self.kubectl_cmd = kubectl_cmd or self.KUBECTL_RUN_CMD self.container_bash_script = container_bash_script or self.CONTAINER_BASH_SCRIPT # Always do system packages, because by we will be running inside a docker self._session.config.put("agent.package_manager.system_site_packages", True) # Add debug logging if debug: self.log.logger.disabled = False self.log.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.ports_mode = ports_mode self.num_of_services = num_of_services self.base_pod_num = base_pod_num self._edit_hyperparams_support = None self._user_props_cb = user_props_cb self.conf_file_content = None self.overrides_json_string = None self.template_dict = None self.extra_bash_init_script = extra_bash_init_script or None if self.extra_bash_init_script and not isinstance(self.extra_bash_init_script, str): self.extra_bash_init_script = ' ; '.join(self.extra_bash_init_script) # noqa self.namespace = namespace or self.K8S_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE self.pod_limits = [] self.pod_requests = [] self.max_pods_limit = max_pods_limit if not self.ports_mode else None if overrides_yaml: with open(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(str(overrides_yaml))), 'rt') as f: overrides = yaml.load(f, Loader=getattr(yaml, 'FullLoader', None)) if overrides: containers = overrides.get('spec', {}).get('containers', []) for c in containers: resources = {str(k).lower(): v for k, v in c.get('resources', {}).items()} if not resources: continue if resources.get('limits'): self.pod_limits += ['{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in resources['limits'].items()] if resources.get('requests'): self.pod_requests += ['{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in resources['requests'].items()] # remove double entries self.pod_limits = list(set(self.pod_limits)) self.pod_requests = list(set(self.pod_requests)) if self.pod_limits or self.pod_requests: self.log.warning('Found pod container requests={} limits={}'.format( self.pod_limits, self.pod_requests)) if containers: self.log.warning('Removing containers section: {}'.format(overrides['spec'].pop('containers'))) self.overrides_json_string = json.dumps(overrides) if template_yaml: with open(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(str(template_yaml))), 'rt') as f: self.template_dict = yaml.load(f, Loader=getattr(yaml, 'FullLoader', None)) clearml_conf_file = clearml_conf_file or kwargs.get('trains_conf_file') if clearml_conf_file: with open(os.path.expandvars(os.path.expanduser(str(clearml_conf_file))), 'rt') as f: self.conf_file_content = # make sure we use system packages! self.conf_file_content += '\nagent.package_manager.system_site_packages=true\n' self._monitor_hanging_pods() def _monitor_hanging_pods(self): _check_pod_thread = Thread(target=self._monitor_hanging_pods_daemon) _check_pod_thread.daemon = True _check_pod_thread.start() def _monitor_hanging_pods_daemon(self): while True: output = get_bash_output('kubectl get pods -n {namespace} -o=JSON'.format( namespace=self.namespace )) output = '' if not output else output if isinstance(output, str) else output.decode('utf-8') try: output_config = json.loads(output) except Exception as ex: self.log.warning('K8S Glue pods monitor: Failed parsing kubectl output:\n{}\nEx: {}'.format(output, ex)) sleep(self._polling_interval) continue pods = output_config.get('items', []) for pod in pods: try: reason = functools.reduce( lambda a, b: a[b], ('status', 'containerStatuses', 0, 'state', 'waiting', 'reason'), pod ) except (IndexError, KeyError): continue if reason == 'ImagePullBackOff': pod_name = pod.get('metadata', {}).get('name', None) if pod_name: task_id = pod_name.rpartition('-')[-1] delete_pod_cmd = 'kubectl delete pods {} -n {}'.format(pod_name, self.namespace) get_bash_output(delete_pod_cmd) try: self._session.api_client.tasks.failed( task=task_id, status_reason="K8S glue error due to ImagePullBackOff", status_message="Changed by K8S glue", force=True ) except Exception as ex: self.log.warning( 'K8S Glue pods monitor: Failed deleting task "{}"\nEX: {}'.format(task_id, ex) ) sleep(self._polling_interval) def _set_task_user_properties(self, task_id: str, **properties: str): if self._edit_hyperparams_support is not True: # either not supported or never tested if self._edit_hyperparams_support == self._session.api_version: # tested against latest api_version, not supported return if not self._session.check_min_api_version(self._edit_hyperparams_version): # not supported due to insufficient api_version self._edit_hyperparams_support = self._session.api_version return try: self._session.get( service="tasks", action="edit_hyper_params", task=task_id, hyperparams=[ { "section": "properties", "name": k, "value": str(v), } for k, v in properties.items() ], ) # definitely supported self._runtime_props_support = True except APIError as error: if error.code == 404: self._edit_hyperparams_support = self._session.api_version def run_one_task(self, queue: Text, task_id: Text, worker_args=None, **_): print('Pulling task {} launching on kubernetes cluster'.format(task_id)) task_data = self._session.api_client.tasks.get_all(id=[task_id])[0] # push task into the k8s queue, so we have visibility on pending tasks in the k8s scheduler try: print('Pushing task {} into temporary pending queue'.format(task_id)) self._session.api_client.tasks.reset(task_id) self._session.api_client.tasks.enqueue(task_id, queue=self.k8s_pending_queue_name, status_reason='k8s pending scheduler') except Exception as e: self.log.error("ERROR: Could not push back task [{}] to k8s pending queue [{}], error: {}".format( task_id, self.k8s_pending_queue_name, e)) return if task_data.execution.docker_cmd: docker_cmd = task_data.execution.docker_cmd else: docker_cmd = str(ENV_DOCKER_IMAGE.get() or self._session.config.get("agent.default_docker.image", "nvidia/cuda")) # take the first part, this is the docker image name (not arguments) docker_parts = docker_cmd.split() docker_image = docker_parts[0] docker_args = docker_parts[1:] if len(docker_parts) > 1 else [] # get the clearml.conf encoded file # noinspection PyProtectedMember hocon_config_encoded = ( self.conf_file_content or Path(self._session._config_file).read_text() ).encode("ascii") create_clearml_conf = "echo '{}' | base64 --decode >> ~/clearml.conf".format( base64.b64encode( hocon_config_encoded ).decode('ascii') ) if self.ports_mode: print("Kubernetes looking for available pod to use") # noinspection PyBroadException try: queue_name = self._session.api_client.queues.get_by_id(queue=queue).name except Exception: queue_name = 'k8s' # conform queue name to k8s standards safe_queue_name = queue_name.lower().strip() safe_queue_name = re.sub(r'\W+', '', safe_queue_name).replace('_', '').replace('-', '') # Search for a free pod number pod_count = 0 pod_number = self.base_pod_num while self.ports_mode or self.max_pods_limit: pod_number = self.base_pod_num + pod_count if self.ports_mode: kubectl_cmd_new = "kubectl get pods -l {pod_label},{agent_label} -n {namespace}".format( pod_label=self.LIMIT_POD_LABEL.format(pod_number=pod_number), agent_label=self.AGENT_LABEL, namespace=self.namespace, ) else: kubectl_cmd_new = "kubectl get pods -l {agent_label} -n {namespace} -o json".format( agent_label=self.AGENT_LABEL, namespace=self.namespace, ) process = subprocess.Popen(kubectl_cmd_new.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = process.communicate() output = '' if not output else output if isinstance(output, str) else output.decode('utf-8') error = '' if not error else error if isinstance(error, str) else error.decode('utf-8') if not output: # No such pod exist so we can use the pod_number we found break if self.max_pods_limit: try: current_pod_count = len(json.loads(output).get("items", [])) except (ValueError, TypeError) as ex: self.log.warning( "K8S Glue pods monitor: Failed parsing kubectl output:\n{}\ntask '{}' " "will be enqueued back to queue '{}'\nEx: {}".format( output, task_id, queue, ex ) ) self._session.api_client.tasks.reset(task_id) self._session.api_client.tasks.enqueue(task_id, queue=queue, status_reason='kubectl parsing error') return max_count = self.max_pods_limit else: current_pod_count = pod_count max_count = self.num_of_services - 1 if current_pod_count >= max_count: # All pods are taken, exit self.log.debug( "kubectl last result: {}\n{}".format(error, output)) self.log.warning( "All k8s services are in use, task '{}' " "will be enqueued back to queue '{}'".format( task_id, queue ) ) self._session.api_client.tasks.reset(task_id) self._session.api_client.tasks.enqueue( task_id, queue=queue, status_reason='k8s max pod limit (no free k8s service)') return elif self.max_pods_limit: # max pods limit hasn't reached yet, so we can create the pod break pod_count += 1 labels = ([self.LIMIT_POD_LABEL.format(pod_number=pod_number)] if self.ports_mode else []) + [self.AGENT_LABEL] if self.ports_mode: print("Kubernetes scheduling task id={} on pod={} (pod_count={})".format(task_id, pod_number, pod_count)) else: print("Kubernetes scheduling task id={}".format(task_id)) if self.template_dict: output, error = self._kubectl_apply( create_clearml_conf=create_clearml_conf, labels=labels, docker_image=docker_image, docker_args=docker_args, task_id=task_id, queue=queue, queue_name=safe_queue_name) else: output, error = self._kubectl_run( create_clearml_conf=create_clearml_conf, labels=labels, docker_image=docker_cmd, task_data=task_data, task_id=task_id, queue=queue, queue_name=safe_queue_name) error = '' if not error else (error if isinstance(error, str) else error.decode('utf-8')) output = '' if not output else (output if isinstance(output, str) else output.decode('utf-8')) print('kubectl output:\n{}\n{}'.format(error, output)) if error: send_log = "Running kubectl encountered an error: {}".format(error) self.log.error(send_log) self.send_logs(task_id, send_log.splitlines()) user_props = {"k8s-queue": str(queue_name)} if self.ports_mode: user_props.update( { "k8s-pod-number": pod_number, "k8s-pod-label": labels[0], "k8s-internal-pod-count": pod_count, } ) if self._user_props_cb: # noinspection PyBroadException try: custom_props = self._user_props_cb(pod_number) if self.ports_mode else self._user_props_cb() user_props.update(custom_props) except Exception: pass if user_props: self._set_task_user_properties( task_id=task_id, **user_props ) def _parse_docker_args(self, docker_args): # type: (list) -> dict kube_args = [] while docker_args: cmd = docker_args.pop(0).strip() if cmd in ('-e', '--env',): env = docker_args.pop(0).strip() key, value = env.split('=', 1) kube_args.append({'name': key, 'value': value}) else: self.log.warning('skipping docker argument {} (only -e --env supported)'.format(cmd)) return {'env': kube_args} if kube_args else {} def _kubectl_apply(self, create_clearml_conf, docker_image, docker_args, labels, queue, task_id, queue_name): template = deepcopy(self.template_dict) template.setdefault('apiVersion', 'v1') template['kind'] = 'Pod' template.setdefault('metadata', {}) name = 'clearml-{queue}-id-{task_id}'.format(queue=queue_name, task_id=task_id) template['metadata']['name'] = name template.setdefault('spec', {}) template['spec'].setdefault('containers', []) template['spec'].setdefault('restartPolicy', 'Never') if labels: labels_dict = dict(pair.split('=', 1) for pair in labels) template['metadata'].setdefault('labels', {}) template['metadata']['labels'].update(labels_dict) container = self._parse_docker_args(docker_args) container_bash_script = [self.container_bash_script] if isinstance(self.container_bash_script, str) \ else self.container_bash_script script_encoded = '\n'.join( ['#!/bin/bash', ] + [line.format(extra_bash_init_cmd=self.extra_bash_init_script or '', task_id=task_id) for line in container_bash_script]) create_init_script = \ "echo '{}' | base64 --decode >> ~/ ; " \ "/bin/bash ~/".format( base64.b64encode( script_encoded.encode('ascii') ).decode('ascii')) # Notice: we always leave with exit code 0, so pods are never restarted container = self._merge_containers( container, dict(name=name, image=docker_image, command=['/bin/bash'], args=['-c', '{} ; {} ; exit 0'.format(create_clearml_conf, create_init_script)]) ) if template['spec']['containers']: template['spec']['containers'][0] = self._merge_containers(template['spec']['containers'][0], container) else: template['spec']['containers'].append(container) fp, yaml_file = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='clearml_k8stmpl_', suffix='.yml') os.close(fp) with open(yaml_file, 'wt') as f: yaml.dump(template, f) kubectl_cmd = self.KUBECTL_APPLY_CMD.format( task_id=task_id, docker_image=docker_image, queue_id=queue, namespace=self.namespace ) # make sure we provide a list if isinstance(kubectl_cmd, str): kubectl_cmd = kubectl_cmd.split() # add the template file at the end kubectl_cmd += [yaml_file] try: process = subprocess.Popen(kubectl_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = process.communicate() except Exception as ex: return None, str(ex) finally: safe_remove_file(yaml_file) return output, error def _kubectl_run(self, create_clearml_conf, docker_image, labels, queue, task_data, task_id, queue_name): if callable(self.kubectl_cmd): kubectl_cmd = self.kubectl_cmd(task_id, docker_image, queue, task_data, queue_name) else: kubectl_cmd = self.kubectl_cmd.format( queue_name=queue_name, task_id=task_id, docker_image=docker_image, queue_id=queue, namespace=self.namespace, ) # make sure we provide a list if isinstance(kubectl_cmd, str): kubectl_cmd = kubectl_cmd.split() if self.overrides_json_string: kubectl_cmd += ['--overrides=' + self.overrides_json_string] if self.pod_limits: kubectl_cmd += ['--limits', ",".join(self.pod_limits)] if self.pod_requests: kubectl_cmd += ['--requests', ",".join(self.pod_requests)] container_bash_script = [self.container_bash_script] if isinstance(self.container_bash_script, str) \ else self.container_bash_script container_bash_script = ' ; '.join(container_bash_script) kubectl_cmd += [ "--labels=" + ",".join(labels), "--command", "--", "/bin/sh", "-c", "{} ; {}".format(create_clearml_conf, container_bash_script.format( extra_bash_init_cmd=self.extra_bash_init_script, task_id=task_id)), ] process = subprocess.Popen(kubectl_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = process.communicate() return output, error def run_tasks_loop(self, queues: List[Text], worker_params, **kwargs): """ :summary: Pull and run tasks from queues. :description: 1. Go through ``queues`` by order. 2. Try getting the next task for each and run the first one that returns. 3. Go to step 1 :param queues: IDs of queues to pull tasks from :type queues: list of ``Text`` :param worker_params: Worker command line arguments :type worker_params: ``clearml_agent.helper.process.WorkerParams`` """ events_service = self.get_service(Events) # make sure we have a k8s pending queue # noinspection PyBroadException try: self._session.api_client.queues.create(self.k8s_pending_queue_name) except Exception: pass # get queue id self.k8s_pending_queue_name = self._resolve_name(self.k8s_pending_queue_name, "queues") _last_machine_update_ts = 0 while True: # iterate over queues (priority style, queues[0] is highest) for queue in queues: # delete old completed / failed pods get_bash_output(self.KUBECTL_DELETE_CMD.format(namespace=self.namespace)) # get next task in queue try: response = self._session.api_client.queues.get_next_task(queue=queue) except Exception as e: print("Warning: Could not access task queue [{}], error: {}".format(queue, e)) continue else: try: task_id = response.entry.task except AttributeError: print("No tasks in queue {}".format(queue)) continue events_service.send_log_events( self.worker_id, task_id=task_id, lines="task {} pulled from {} by worker {}".format( task_id, queue, self.worker_id ), level="INFO", ) self.report_monitor(ResourceMonitor.StatusReport(queues=queues, queue=queue, task=task_id)) self.run_one_task(queue, task_id, worker_params) self.report_monitor(ResourceMonitor.StatusReport(queues=self.queues)) break else: # sleep and retry polling print("No tasks in Queues, sleeping for {:.1f} seconds".format(self._polling_interval)) sleep(self._polling_interval) if self._session.config["agent.reload_config"]: self.reload_config() def k8s_daemon(self, queue): """ Start the k8s Glue service. This service will be pulling tasks from *queue* and scheduling them for execution using kubectl. Notice all scheduled tasks are pushed back into K8S_PENDING_QUEUE, and popped when execution actually starts. This creates full visibility into the k8s scheduler. Manually popping a task from the K8S_PENDING_QUEUE, will cause the k8s scheduler to skip the execution once the scheduled tasks needs to be executed :param list(str) queue: queue name to pull from """ return self.daemon(queues=[ObjectID(name=queue)] if queue else None, log_level=logging.INFO, foreground=True, docker=False) @classmethod def get_ssh_server_bash(cls, ssh_port_number): return ' ; '.join(line.format(port=ssh_port_number) for line in cls.BASH_INSTALL_SSH_CMD) @staticmethod def _merge_containers(c1, c2): def merge_env(k, d1, d2, not_set): if k != "env": return not_set # Merge environment lists, second list overrides first return list({ item['name']: item for envs in (d1, d2) for item in envs }.values()) return merge_dicts( c1, c2, custom_merge_func=merge_env )