from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function import abc import logging import os import re import subprocess import sys from contextlib import contextmanager from copy import deepcopy from distutils.spawn import find_executable from itertools import chain, repeat, islice from os.path import devnull from typing import Union, Text, Sequence, Any, TypeVar, Callable import psutil from furl import furl from future.builtins import super from pathlib2 import Path import six from trains_agent.definitions import PROGRAM_NAME, CONFIG_FILE from trains_agent.helper.base import bash_c, is_windows_platform, select_for_platform, chain_map PathLike = Union[Text, Path] def get_bash_output(cmd, strip=False, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=False): try: output = ( subprocess.check_output( bash_c().split() + [cmd], stderr=stderr, stdin=subprocess.PIPE if stdin else None, ) .decode() .strip() ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: output = None return output if not strip or not output else output.strip() def kill_all_child_processes(pid=None): # get current process if pid not provided include_parent = True if not pid: pid = os.getpid() include_parent = False print("\nLeaving process id {}".format(pid)) try: parent = psutil.Process(pid) except psutil.Error: # could not find parent process id return for child in parent.children(recursive=True): child.kill() if include_parent: parent.kill() def check_if_command_exists(cmd): return bool(find_executable(cmd)) def get_program_invocation(): return [sys.executable, "-u", "-m", PROGRAM_NAME.replace('-', '_')] Retval = TypeVar("Retval") @six.add_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta) class Executable(object): @abc.abstractmethod def call_subprocess(self, func, censor_password=False, *args, **kwargs): # type: (Callable[..., Retval]) -> Retval pass def get_output(self, *args, **kwargs): return ( self.call_subprocess(subprocess.check_output, *args, **kwargs) .decode("utf8") .rstrip() ) def check_call(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.call_subprocess(subprocess.check_call, *args, **kwargs) @staticmethod @contextmanager def normalize_exception(censor_password=False): try: yield except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if censor_password: e.cmd = [furl(word).remove(password=True).tostr() for word in e.cmd] if e.output and not isinstance(e.output, six.text_type): e.output = e.output.decode() raise @abc.abstractmethod def pretty(self): pass class Argv(Executable): ARGV_SEPARATOR = " " def __init__(self, *argv, **kwargs): # type: (*PathLike, Any) -> () """ Object representing a series of strings used to invoke a process. """ self.argv = argv self._log = kwargs.pop("log", None) if not self._log: self._log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._log.propagate = False def serialize(self): """ Returns a string of the shell command """ return self.ARGV_SEPARATOR.join(map(quote, self)) def call_subprocess(self, func, censor_password=False, *args, **kwargs): self._log.debug("running: %s: %s", func.__name__, list(self)) with self.normalize_exception(censor_password): return func(list(self), *args, **kwargs) def call(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.call_subprocess(, *args, **kwargs) def get_argv(self): return self.argv def __repr__(self): return "".format(self.argv) def __str__(self): return "Executing: {}".format(self.argv) def __iter__(self): return (six.text_type(word) for word in self.argv) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.argv[item] def __add__(self, other): try: iter(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented return type(self)(*(self.argv + tuple(other)), log=self._log) def __radd__(self, other): try: iter(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented return type(self)(*(tuple(other) + self.argv), log=self._log) pretty = serialize @staticmethod def conditional_flag(condition, flag, *flags): # type: (Any, PathLike, PathLike) -> Sequence[PathLike] """ Translate a boolean to a flag command like arguments. :param condition: condition to translate to flag :param flag: flag to use if condition true (at least one) :param flags: additional flags to use if condition is true """ return (flag,) + flags if condition else () class CommandSequence(Executable): JOIN_COMMAND_OPERATOR = "&&" def __init__(self, *commands, **kwargs): """ Object representing a sequence of shell commands. :param commands: Command elements. Each CommandSequence will be treated as a single command-line argument. :type commands: Each command: [str] | Argv """ self._log = kwargs.pop("log", None) if not self._log: self._log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._log.propagate = False self.commands = [] for c in commands: if isinstance(c, CommandSequence): self.commands.extend(deepcopy(c.commands)) elif isinstance(c, Argv): self.commands.append(deepcopy(c)) else: self.commands.append(Argv(*c, log=self._log)) def get_argv(self, shell=False): """ Get array of argv's. :param bool shell: if True, returns the argv of a process that will invoke a shell running the command sequence """ if shell: return tuple(bash_c().split()) + (self.serialize(),) def safe_get_argv(obj): try: func = obj.get_argv except AttributeError: result = obj else: result = func() return tuple(map(str, result)) return tuple(map(safe_get_argv, self.commands)) def serialize(self): def intersperse(delimiter, seq): return islice(chain.from_iterable(zip(repeat(delimiter), seq)), 1, None) def normalize(command): return list(command) if is_windows_platform() else command.serialize() return ' '.join(list(intersperse(self.JOIN_COMMAND_OPERATOR, map(normalize, self.commands)))) def call_subprocess(self, func, censor_password=False, *args, **kwargs): with self.normalize_exception(censor_password): return func( self.serialize(), *args, **chain_map( dict( executable=select_for_platform(linux="bash", windows=None), shell=True, ), kwargs, ) ) def __repr__(self): tab = " " * 4 return "<{}(\n{}{},\n)>".format( type(self).__name__, tab, (",\n" + tab).join(map(repr, self.commands)) ) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.commands) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.commands[item] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.commands[key] = value def __add__(self, other): try: iter(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented return type(self)(*(self.commands + tuple(other))) def pretty(self): serialized = self.serialize() if is_windows_platform(): return " ".join(serialized) return serialized class WorkerParams(object): def __init__( self, log_level="INFO", config_file=CONFIG_FILE, optimization=0, debug=False, trace=False, ): self.trace = trace self.log_level = log_level self.optimization = optimization self.config_file = config_file self.debug = debug def get_worker_flags(self): """ Serialize a WorkerParams instance to a tuple of command-line flags :param WorkerParams self: parameters of worker :return: a tuple of global flags and "workers execute/daemon" flags """ global_args = ("--config-file", str(self.config_file)) if self.debug: global_args += ("--debug",) if self.trace: global_args += ("--trace",) worker_args = tuple() if self.optimization: worker_args += self.get_optimization_flag() return global_args, worker_args def get_optimization_flag(self): return "-{}".format("O" * self.optimization) def get_argv_for_command(self, command): """ Get argv for a particular worker command. """ global_args, worker_args = self.get_worker_flags() command_line = ( tuple(get_program_invocation()) + global_args + (command, ) + worker_args ) return Argv(*command_line) class DaemonParams(WorkerParams): def __init__(self, foreground=False, queues=(), *args, **kwargs): super(DaemonParams, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.foreground = foreground self.queues = tuple(queues) def get_worker_flags(self): global_args, worker_args = super(DaemonParams, self).get_worker_flags() if self.foreground: worker_args += ("--foreground",) if self.queues: worker_args += ("--queue",) + self.queues return global_args, worker_args DEVNULL = open(devnull, "w+") SOURCE_COMMAND = select_for_platform(linux="source", windows="call") class ExitStatus(object): success = 0 failure = 1 interrupted = 2 COMMAND_SUCCESS = 0 _find_unsafe = re.compile(r"[^\w@%+=:,./-]", getattr(re, "ASCII", 0)).search def quote(s): """ Backport of shlex.quote(): Return a shell-escaped version of the string *s*. """ if not s: return "''" if _find_unsafe(s) is None: return s # use single quotes, and put single quotes into double quotes # the string $'b is then quoted as '$'"'"'b' return "'" + s.replace("'", "'\"'\"'") + "'"