from __future__ import print_function

from six.moves import input
from pyhocon import ConfigFactory, ConfigMissingException
from pathlib2 import Path
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse

from trains_agent.backend_api.session import Session
from trains_agent.backend_api.session.defs import ENV_HOST
from trains_agent.backend_config.defs import LOCAL_CONFIG_FILES

description = """
Please create new trains credentials through the profile page in your trains web app (e.g.
In the profile page, press "Create new credentials", then press "Copy to clipboard".

Paste copied configuration here: 

def_host = 'http://localhost:8080'
    def_host = ENV_HOST.get(default=def_host) or def_host
except Exception:

host_description = """
Editing configuration file: {CONFIG_FILE}
Enter the url of the trains-server's Web service, for example: {HOST}

def main():
    print('TRAINS-AGENT setup process')
    conf_file = Path(LOCAL_CONFIG_FILES[0]).absolute()
    if conf_file.exists() and conf_file.is_file() and conf_file.stat().st_size > 0:
        print('Configuration file already exists: {}'.format(str(conf_file)))
        print('Leaving setup, feel free to edit the configuration file.')

    print(description, end='')
    sentinel = ''
    parse_input = '\n'.join(iter(input, sentinel))
    credentials = None
    api_host = None
    web_server = None
    # noinspection PyBroadException
        parsed = ConfigFactory.parse_string(parse_input)
        if parsed:
            # Take the credentials in raw form or from api section
            credentials = get_parsed_field(parsed, ["credentials"])
            api_host = get_parsed_field(parsed, ["api_server", "host"])
            web_server = get_parsed_field(parsed, ["web_server"])
    except Exception:
        credentials = credentials or None
        api_host = api_host or None
        web_server = web_server or None

    while not credentials or set(credentials) != {"access_key", "secret_key"}:
        print('Could not parse credentials, please try entering them manually.')
        credentials = read_manual_credentials()

    print('Detected credentials key=\"{}\" secret=\"{}\"'.format(credentials['access_key'],
                                                                 credentials['secret_key'][0:4] + "***"))
    if api_host:
        api_host = input_url('API Host', api_host)
        api_host = input_url('API Host', '')
    parsed_host = verify_url(api_host)

    if parsed_host.netloc.startswith('demoapp.'):
        # this is our demo server
        api_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc.replace('demoapp.', 'demoapi.', 1) + parsed_host.path
        web_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc + parsed_host.path
        files_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc.replace('demoapp.', 'demofiles.', 1) + parsed_host.path
    elif parsed_host.netloc.startswith('app.'):
        # this is our application server
        api_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc.replace('app.', 'api.', 1) + parsed_host.path
        web_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc + parsed_host.path
        files_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc.replace('app.', 'files.', 1) + parsed_host.path
    elif parsed_host.netloc.startswith('demoapi.'):
        print('{} is the api server, we need the web server. Replacing \'demoapi.\' with \'demoapp.\''.format(
        api_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc + parsed_host.path
        web_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc.replace('demoapi.', 'demoapp.', 1) + parsed_host.path
        files_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc.replace('demoapi.', 'demofiles.', 1) + parsed_host.path
    elif parsed_host.netloc.startswith('api.'):
        print('{} is the api server, we need the web server. Replacing \'api.\' with \'app.\''.format(
        api_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc + parsed_host.path
        web_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc.replace('api.', 'app.', 1) + parsed_host.path
        files_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc.replace('api.', 'files.', 1) + parsed_host.path
    elif parsed_host.port == 8008:
        print('Port 8008 is the api port. Replacing 8080 with 8008 for Web application')
        api_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc + parsed_host.path
        web_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc.replace(':8008', ':8080', 1) + parsed_host.path
        files_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc.replace(':8008', ':8081', 1) + parsed_host.path
    elif parsed_host.port == 8080:
        api_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc.replace(':8080', ':8008', 1) + parsed_host.path
        web_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc + parsed_host.path
        files_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc.replace(':8080', ':8081', 1) + parsed_host.path
        api_host = ''
        web_host = ''
        files_host = ''
        if not parsed_host.port:
            print('Host port not detected, do you wish to use the default 8080 port n/[y]? ', end='')
            replace_port = input().lower()
            if not replace_port or replace_port == 'y' or replace_port == 'yes':
                api_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc + ':8008' + parsed_host.path
                web_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc + ':8080' + parsed_host.path
                files_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc + ':8081' + parsed_host.path
            elif not replace_port or replace_port.lower() == 'n' or replace_port.lower() == 'no':
                web_host = input_host_port("Web", parsed_host)
                api_host = input_host_port("API", parsed_host)
                files_host = input_host_port("Files", parsed_host)
        if not api_host:
            api_host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc + parsed_host.path

    web_host = input_url('Web Application Host', web_server if web_server else web_host)
    files_host = input_url('File Store Host', files_host)

    print('\nTRAINS Hosts configuration:\nWeb App: {}\nAPI: {}\nFile Store: {}\n'.format(
        web_host, api_host, files_host))

    retry = 1
    max_retries = 2
    while retry <= max_retries:  # Up to 2 tries by the user
        if verify_credentials(api_host, credentials):
        retry += 1
        if retry < max_retries + 1:
            credentials = read_manual_credentials()
        print('Exiting setup without creating configuration file')

    # get GIT User/Pass for cloning
    print('Enter git username for repository cloning (leave blank for SSH key authentication): [] ', end='')
    git_user = input()
    if git_user.strip():
        print('Enter password for user \'{}\': '.format(git_user), end='')
        git_pass = input()
        print('Git repository cloning will be using user={} password={}'.format(git_user, git_pass))
        git_user = None
        git_pass = None

    # get extra-index-url for pip installations
    extra_index_urls = []
    print('\nEnter additional artifact repository (extra-index-url) to use when installing python packages '
          '(leave blank if not required):', end='')
    index_url = input().strip()
    while index_url:
        print('Another artifact repository? (enter another url or leave blank if done):', end='')
        index_url = input().strip()
    if len(extra_index_urls):
        print("The following artifact repositories will be added:\n\t- {}".format("\n\t- ".join(extra_index_urls)))

    # noinspection PyBroadException
        conf_folder = Path(__file__).parent.absolute() / '..' / 'backend_api' / 'config' / 'default'
        default_conf = ''
        for conf in ('agent.conf', 'sdk.conf', ):
            conf_file_section = conf_folder / conf
            with open(str(conf_file_section), 'rt') as f:
                default_conf += conf.split('.')[0] + ' '
                default_conf +=
            default_conf += '\n'
    except Exception:
        print('Error! Could not read default configuration file')
    # noinspection PyBroadException
        with open(str(conf_file), 'wt') as f:
            header = '# TRAINS-AGENT configuration file\n' \
                     'api {\n' \
                     '    api_server: %s\n' \
                     '    web_server: %s\n' \
                     '    files_server: %s\n' \
                     '    # Credentials are generated using the webapp, %s/profile\n' \
                     '    # Override with os environment: TRAINS_API_ACCESS_KEY / TRAINS_API_SECRET_KEY\n' \
                     '    credentials {"access_key": "%s", "secret_key": "%s"}\n' \
                     '}\n\n' % (api_host, web_host, files_host,
                                web_host, credentials['access_key'], credentials['secret_key'])
            git_credentials = '# Set GIT user/pass credentials\n' \
                              '# leave blank for GIT SSH credentials\n' \
                              'agent.git_user=\"{}\"\n' \
                              'agent.git_pass=\"{}\"\n' \
                              '\n'.format(git_user or '', git_pass or '')
            extra_index_str = '# extra_index_url: [""]\n' \
                              'agent.package_manager.extra_index_url= ' \
                              '[\n{}\n]\n\n'.format("\n".join(map("\"{}\"".format, extra_index_urls)))
    except Exception:
        print('Error! Could not write configuration file at: {}'.format(str(conf_file)))

    print('\nNew configuration stored in {}'.format(str(conf_file)))
    print('TRAINS-AGENT setup completed successfully.')

def verify_credentials(api_host, credentials):
    """check if the credentials are valid"""
    # noinspection PyBroadException
        print('Verifying credentials ...')
        if api_host:
            Session(api_key=credentials['access_key'], secret_key=credentials['secret_key'], host=api_host)
            print('Credentials verified!')
            return True
            print("Can't verify credentials")
            return False
    except Exception:
        print('Error: could not verify credentials: key={} secret={}'.format(
            credentials.get('access_key'), credentials.get('secret_key')))
        return False

def get_parsed_field(parsed_config, fields):
    Parsed the value from web profile page, 'copy to clipboard' option
    :param parsed_config: The parsed value from the web ui
    :type parsed_config: Config object
    :param fields: list of values to parse, will parse by the list order
    :type fields: List[str]
    :return: parsed value if found, None else
        return parsed_config.get("api").get(fields[0])
    except ConfigMissingException:  # fallback - try to parse the field like it was in web older version
        if len(fields) == 1:
            return parsed_config.get(fields[0])
        elif len(fields) == 2:
            return parsed_config.get(fields[1])
            return None

def read_manual_credentials():
    print('Enter user access key: ', end='')
    access_key = input()
    print('Enter user secret: ', end='')
    secret_key = input()
    return {"access_key": access_key, "secret_key": secret_key}

def input_url(host_type, host=None):
    while True:
        print('{} configured to: [{}] '.format(host_type, host), end='')
        parse_input = input()
        if host and (not parse_input or parse_input.lower() == 'yes' or parse_input.lower() == 'y'):
        parsed_host = verify_url(parse_input) if parse_input else None
        if parse_input and parsed_host:
            host = parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc + parsed_host.path
    return host

def input_host_port(host_type, parsed_host):
    print('Enter port for {} host '.format(host_type), end='')
    replace_port = input().lower()
    return parsed_host.scheme + "://" + parsed_host.netloc + (':{}'.format(replace_port) if replace_port else '') + \

def verify_url(parse_input):
        if not parse_input.startswith('http://') and not parse_input.startswith('https://'):
            # if we have a specific port, use http prefix, otherwise assume https
            if ':' in parse_input:
                parse_input = 'http://' + parse_input
                parse_input = 'https://' + parse_input
        parsed_host = urlparse(parse_input)
        if parsed_host.scheme not in ('http', 'https'):
            parsed_host = None
    except Exception:
        parsed_host = None
        print('Could not parse url {}\nEnter your trains-server host: '.format(parse_input), end='')
    return parsed_host

if __name__ == '__main__':