from __future__ import unicode_literals import re import sys from furl import furl import urllib.parse from operator import itemgetter from html.parser import HTMLParser from typing import Text import attr import requests import six from .requirements import SimpleSubstitution, FatalSpecsResolutionError, SimpleVersion OS_TO_WHEEL_NAME = {"linux": "linux_x86_64", "windows": "win_amd64"} def os_to_wheel_name(x): return OS_TO_WHEEL_NAME[x] def fix_version(version): def replace(nums, prerelease): if prerelease: return "{}-{}".format(nums, prerelease) return nums return re.sub( r"(\d+(?:\.\d+){,2})(?:\.(.*))?", lambda match: replace(*match.groups()), version, ) class LinksHTMLParser(HTMLParser): def __init__(self): super(LinksHTMLParser, self).__init__() self.links = [] def handle_data(self, data): if data and data.strip(): self.links += [data] @attr.s class PytorchWheel(object): os_name = attr.ib(type=str, converter=os_to_wheel_name) cuda_version = attr.ib(converter=lambda x: "cu{}".format(x) if x else "cpu") python = attr.ib(type=str, converter=lambda x: str(x).replace(".", "")) torch_version = attr.ib(type=str, converter=fix_version) url_template = ( "" "{0.cuda_version}/torch-{0.torch_version}-cp{0.python}-cp{0.python}m{0.unicode}-{0.os_name}.whl" ) def __attrs_post_init__(self): self.unicode = "u" if self.python.startswith("2") else "" def make_url(self): # type: () -> Text return self.url_template.format(self) class PytorchResolutionError(FatalSpecsResolutionError): pass class SimplePytorchRequirement(SimpleSubstitution): name = "torch" packages = ("torch", "torchvision", "torchaudio") page_lookup_template = '{}/torch_stable.html' nightly_page_lookup_template = '{}/torch_nightly.html' torch_page_lookup = { 0: '', 80: '', 90: '', 92: '', 100: '', 101: '', } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SimplePytorchRequirement, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._matched = False def match(self, req): # match both any of out packages return in self.packages def replace(self, req): """ Replace a requirement :raises: ValueError if version is pre-release """ # Get rid of +cpu +cu?? etc. try: req.specs[0] = (req.specs[0][0], req.specs[0][1].split('+')[0]) except: pass self._matched = True return Text(req) def matching_done(self, reqs, package_manager): # type: (Sequence[MarkerRequirement], object) -> () if not self._matched: return # TODO: add conda channel support from .pip_api.system import SystemPip if package_manager and isinstance(package_manager, SystemPip): extra_url, _ = self.get_torch_page(self.cuda_version) package_manager.add_extra_install_flags(('-f', extra_url)) @classmethod def get_torch_page(cls, cuda_version, nightly=False): try: cuda = int(cuda_version) except: cuda = 0 if nightly: # then try the nightly builds, it might be there... torch_url = cls.nightly_page_lookup_template.format(cuda) try: if requests.get(torch_url, timeout=10).ok: cls.torch_page_lookup[cuda] = torch_url return cls.torch_page_lookup[cuda], cuda except Exception: pass return # first check if key is valid if cuda in cls.torch_page_lookup: return cls.torch_page_lookup[cuda], cuda # then try a new cuda version page torch_url = cls.page_lookup_template.format(cuda) try: if requests.get(torch_url, timeout=10).ok: cls.torch_page_lookup[cuda] = torch_url return cls.torch_page_lookup[cuda], cuda except Exception: pass keys = sorted(cls.torch_page_lookup.keys(), reverse=True) for k in keys: if k <= cuda: return cls.torch_page_lookup[k], k # return default - zero return cls.torch_page_lookup[0], 0 class PytorchRequirement(SimpleSubstitution): name = "torch" packages = ("torch", "torchvision", "torchaudio") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): os_name = kwargs.pop("os_override", None) super(PytorchRequirement, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.log = self._session.get_logger(__name__) self.package_manager = self.config["agent.package_manager.type"].lower() self.os = os_name or self.get_platform() self.cuda = "cuda{}".format(self.cuda_version).lower() self.python_version_string = str(self.config["agent.default_python"]) self.python_major_minor_str = '.'.join(self.python_version_string.split('.')[:2]) if '.' not in self.python_major_minor_str: raise PytorchResolutionError( "invalid python version {!r} defined in configuration file, key 'agent.default_python': " "must have both major and minor parts of the version (for example: '3.7')".format( self.python_version_string ) ) self.python = "python{}".format(self.python_major_minor_str) self.exceptions = [ PytorchResolutionError(message) for message in ( None, 'cuda version "{}" is not supported'.format(self.cuda), 'python version "{}" is not supported'.format( self.python_version_string ), ) ] try: self.validate_python_version() except PytorchResolutionError as e: self.log.warn("will not be able to install pytorch wheels: %s", e.args[0]) self._original_req = [] @property def is_conda(self): return self.package_manager == "conda" @property def is_pip(self): return not self.is_conda def validate_python_version(self): """ Make sure python version has both major and minor versions as required for choosing pytorch wheel """ if self.is_pip and not self.python_major_minor_str: raise PytorchResolutionError( "invalid python version {!r} defined in configuration file, key 'agent.default_python': " "must have both major and minor parts of the version (for example: '3.7')".format( self.python_version_string ) ) def match(self, req): return in self.packages @staticmethod def get_platform(): if sys.platform == "linux": return "linux" if sys.platform == "win32" or sys.platform == "cygwin": return "windows" if sys.platform == "darwin": return "macos" raise RuntimeError("unrecognized OS") def _get_link_from_torch_page(self, req, torch_url): links_parser = LinksHTMLParser() links_parser.feed(requests.get(torch_url, timeout=10).text) platform_wheel = "win" if self.get_platform() == "windows" else self.get_platform() py_ver = self.python_major_minor_str.replace('.', '') url = None last_v = None # search for our package for l in links_parser.links: parts = l.split('/')[-1].split('-') if len(parts) < 5: continue if parts[0] != continue # version (ignore +cpu +cu92 etc. + is %2B in the file link) # version ignore .postX suffix (treat as regular version) try: v = str(parts[1].split('%')[0].split('+')[0]) except Exception: continue if not req.compare_version(v) or \ (last_v and SimpleVersion.compare_versions(last_v, '>', v, ignore_sub_versions=False)): continue if not parts[2].endswith(py_ver): continue if platform_wheel not in parts[4]: continue url = '/'.join(torch_url.split('/')[:-1] + l.split('/')) last_v = v # if we found an exact match, use it try: if req.specs[0][0] == '==' and \ SimpleVersion.compare_versions(req.specs[0][1], '==', v, ignore_sub_versions=False): break except: pass return url def get_url_for_platform(self, req): # check if package is already installed with system packages try: if self.config.get("agent.package_manager.system_site_packages", None): from import search_packages_info installed_torch = list(search_packages_info([])) # notice the comparision order, the first part will make sure we have a valid installed package if installed_torch[0]['version'] and req.compare_version(installed_torch[0]['version']): print('PyTorch: requested "{}" version {}, using pre-installed version {}'.format(, req.specs[0] if req.specs else 'unspecified', installed_torch[0]['version'])) # package already installed, do nothing return str(req), True except: pass # make sure we have a specific version to retrieve if not req.specs: req.specs = [('>', '0')] try: req.specs[0] = (req.specs[0][0], req.specs[0][1].split('+')[0]) except: pass op, version = req.specs[0] # assert op == "==" torch_url, torch_url_key = SimplePytorchRequirement.get_torch_page(self.cuda_version) url = self._get_link_from_torch_page(req, torch_url) if not url and self.config.get("agent.package_manager.torch_nightly", None): torch_url, torch_url_key = SimplePytorchRequirement.get_torch_page(self.cuda_version, nightly=True) url = self._get_link_from_torch_page(req, torch_url) # try one more time, with a lower cuda version (never fallback to CPU): while not url and torch_url_key > 0: previous_cuda_key = torch_url_key torch_url, torch_url_key = SimplePytorchRequirement.get_torch_page(int(torch_url_key)-1) # never fallback to CPU if torch_url_key < 1: print('Warning! Could not locate PyTorch version {} matching CUDA version {}'.format( req, previous_cuda_key)) raise ValueError('Could not locate PyTorch version {} matching CUDA version {}'.format( req, self.cuda_version)) print('Warning! Could not locate PyTorch version {} matching CUDA version {}, trying CUDA version {}'.format( req, previous_cuda_key, torch_url_key)) url = self._get_link_from_torch_page(req, torch_url) if not url: url = PytorchWheel( torch_version=fix_version(version), python=self.python_major_minor_str.replace('.', ''), os_name=self.os, cuda_version=self.cuda_version, ).make_url() if url: # normalize url (sometimes we will get ../ which we should not... url = '/'.join(url.split('/')[:3]) + urllib.parse.quote(str(furl(url).path.normalize())) self.log.debug("checking url: %s", url) return url, requests.head(url, timeout=10).ok @staticmethod def match_version(req, options): versioned_options = sorted( ((fix_version(key), value) for key, value in options.items()), key=itemgetter(0), reverse=True, ) req.specs = [(op, fix_version(version)) for op, version in req.specs] try: return next( replacement for version, replacement in versioned_options if req.compare_version(version) ) except StopIteration: raise PytorchResolutionError( 'Could not find wheel for "{}", ' "Available versions: {}".format(req, list(options)) ) def replace_conda(self, req): spec = "".join(req.specs[0]) if req.specs else "" if not self.cuda_version: return "pytorch-cpu{spec}\ntorchvision-cpu".format(spec=spec) return "pytorch{spec}\ntorchvision\ncuda{self.cuda_version}".format( self=self, spec=spec ) def _table_lookup(self, req): """ Look for pytorch wheel matching `req` in table :param req: python requirement """ def check(base_, key_, exception_): result = base_.get(key_) if not result: if key_.startswith('cuda'): print('Could not locate, {}'.format(exception_)) ver = sorted([float(a.replace('cuda', '').replace('none', '0')) for a in base_.keys()], reverse=True)[0] key_ = 'cuda'+str(int(ver)) result = base_.get(key_) print('Reverting to \"{}\"'.format(key_)) if not result: raise exception_ return result raise exception_ if isinstance(result, Exception): raise result return result if self.is_conda: return self.replace_conda(req) base = self.MAP for key, exception in zip((self.os, self.cuda, self.python), self.exceptions): base = check(base, key, exception) return self.match_version(req, base).replace(" ", "\n") def replace(self, req): try: new_req = self._replace(req) if new_req: self._original_req.append((req, new_req)) return new_req except Exception as e: message = "Exception when trying to resolve python wheel" self.log.debug(message, exc_info=True) raise PytorchResolutionError("{}: {}".format(message, e)) def _replace(self, req): self.validate_python_version() try: result, ok = self.get_url_for_platform(req) self.log.debug('Replacing requirement "%s" with %r', req, result) return result except: pass # try: # result = self._table_lookup(req) # except Exception as e: # exc = e # else: # self.log.debug('Replacing requirement "%s" with %r', req, result) # return result # self.log.debug( # "Could not find Pytorch wheel in table, trying manually constructing URL" # ) result = ok = None # try: # result, ok = self.get_url_for_platform(req) # except Exception: # pass if not ok: if result: self.log.debug("URL not found: {}".format(result)) exc = PytorchResolutionError( "Could not find pytorch wheel URL for: {} with cuda {} support".format(req, self.cuda_version) ) # cancel exception chaining six.raise_from(exc, None) self.log.debug('Replacing requirement "%s" with %r', req, result) return result def replace_back(self, list_of_requirements): # type: (Dict) -> Dict """ :param list_of_requirements: {'pip': ['a==1.0', ]} :return: {'pip': ['a==1.0', ]} """ if not self._original_req: return list_of_requirements try: for k, lines in list_of_requirements.items(): # k is either pip/conda if k not in ('pip', 'conda'): continue for i, line in enumerate(lines): if not line or line.lstrip().startswith('#'): continue parts = [p for p in re.split('\s|=|\.|<|>|~|!|@|#', line) if p] if not parts: continue for req, new_req in self._original_req: if == parts[0]: # support for pip >= 20.1 if '@' in line: lines[i] = '{} # {}'.format(str(req), str(new_req)) else: lines[i] = '{} # {}'.format(line, str(new_req)) break except: pass return list_of_requirements MAP = { "windows": { "cuda100": { "python3.7": { "1.0.0": "" }, "python3.6": { "1.0.0": "" }, "python3.5": { "1.0.0": "" }, "python2.7": PytorchResolutionError( "PyTorch does not support Python 2.7 on Windows" ), }, "cuda92": { "python3.7": { "0.4.1", "", }, "python3.6": { "0.4.1": "" }, "python3.5": { "0.4.1": "" }, "python2.7": PytorchResolutionError( "PyTorch does not support Python 2.7 on Windows" ), }, "cuda91": { "python3.6": { "0.4.0": "" }, "python3.5": { "0.4.0": "" }, "python2.7": PytorchResolutionError( "PyTorch does not support Python 2.7 on Windows" ), }, "cuda90": { "python3.6": { "0.4.0": "", "1.0.0": "", }, "python3.5": { "0.4.0": "", "1.0.0": "", }, "python2.7": PytorchResolutionError( "PyTorch does not support Python 2.7 on Windows" ), }, "cuda80": { "python3.6": { "0.4.0": "", "1.0.0": "", }, "python3.5": { "0.4.0": "", "1.0.0": "", }, "python2.7": PytorchResolutionError( "PyTorch does not support Python 2.7 on Windows" ), }, "cudanone": { "python3.6": { "0.4.0": "", "1.0.0": "", }, "python3.5": { "0.4.0": "", "1.0.0": "", }, "python2.7": PytorchResolutionError( "PyTorch does not support Python 2.7 on Windows" ), }, }, "macos": { "cuda100": PytorchResolutionError( "MacOS Binaries dont support CUDA, install from source if CUDA is needed" ), "cuda92": PytorchResolutionError( "MacOS Binaries dont support CUDA, install from source if CUDA is needed" ), "cuda91": PytorchResolutionError( "MacOS Binaries dont support CUDA, install from source if CUDA is needed" ), "cuda90": PytorchResolutionError( "MacOS Binaries dont support CUDA, install from source if CUDA is needed" ), "cuda80": PytorchResolutionError( "MacOS Binaries dont support CUDA, install from source if CUDA is needed" ), "cudanone": { "python3.6": {"0.4.0": "torch"}, "python3.5": {"0.4.0": "torch"}, "python2.7": {"0.4.0": "torch"}, }, }, "linux": { "cuda100": { "python3.7": { "1.0.0": "", "1.0.1": "", "1.1.0": "", "1.2.0": "", }, "python3.6": { "1.0.0": "", "1.0.1": "", "1.1.0": "", "1.2.0": "", }, "python3.5": { "1.0.0": "", "1.0.1": "", "1.1.0": "", "1.2.0": "", }, "python2.7": { "1.0.0": "", "1.0.1": "", "1.1.0": "", "1.2.0": "", }, }, "cuda92": { "python3.7": { "0.4.1": "", "1.2.0": "" }, "python3.6": { "0.4.1": "", "1.2.0": "" }, "python3.5": { "0.4.1": "", "1.2.0": "" }, "python2.7": { "0.4.1": "", "1.2.0": "" }, }, "cuda91": { "python3.6": { "0.4.0": "" }, "python3.5": { "0.4.0": "" }, "python2.7": { "0.4.0": "" }, }, "cuda90": { "python3.6": { "0.4.0": "", "1.0.0": "", }, "python3.5": { "0.4.0": "", "1.0.0": "", }, "python2.7": { "0.4.0": "", "1.0.0": "", }, }, "cuda80": { "python3.6": { "0.4.1": "", "0.3.1": "torch==0.3.1", "0.3.0.post4": "torch==0.3.0.post4", "0.1.2.post1": "torch==0.1.2.post1", "0.1.2": "torch==0.1.2", "1.0.0": "", }, "python3.5": { "0.4.1": "", "0.3.1": "torch==0.3.1", "0.3.0.post4": "torch==0.3.0.post4", "0.1.2.post1": "torch==0.1.2.post1", "0.1.2": "torch==0.1.2", "1.0.0": "", }, "python2.7": { "0.4.1": "", "0.3.1": "torch==0.3.1", "0.3.0.post4": "torch==0.3.0.post4", "0.1.2.post1": "torch==0.1.2.post1", "0.1.2": "torch==0.1.2", "1.0.0": "", }, }, "cudanone": { "python3.6": { "0.4.0": "", "1.0.0": "", }, "python3.5": { "0.4.0": "", "1.0.0": "", }, "python2.7": { "0.4.0": "", "1.0.0": "", }, }, }, }