from __future__ import unicode_literals import json import re import shutil import subprocess from distutils.spawn import find_executable from functools import partial from itertools import chain from typing import Text, Iterable, Union, Dict, Set, Sequence, Any import six import yaml from time import time from attr import attrs, attrib, Factory from pathlib2 import Path from requirements import parse from requirements.requirement import Requirement from trains_agent.errors import CommandFailedError from trains_agent.helper.base import rm_tree, NonStrictAttrs, select_for_platform, is_windows_platform from trains_agent.helper.process import Argv, Executable, DEVNULL, CommandSequence, PathLike from trains_agent.helper.package.requirements import SimpleVersion from trains_agent.session import Session from .base import PackageManager from .pip_api.venv import VirtualenvPip from .requirements import RequirementsManager, MarkerRequirement package_normalize = partial(re.compile(r"""\[version=['"](.*)['"]\]""").sub, r"\1") def package_set(packages): return set(map(package_normalize, packages)) def _package_diff(path, packages): # type: (Union[Path, Text], Iterable[Text]) -> Set[Text] return package_set(Path(path).read_text().splitlines()) - package_set(packages) class CondaPip(VirtualenvPip): def __init__(self, source=None, *args, **kwargs): super(CondaPip, self).__init__(*args, interpreter=Path(kwargs.get('path'), "python.exe") \ if is_windows_platform() and kwargs.get('path') else None, **kwargs) self.source = source def run_with_env(self, command, output=False, **kwargs): if not self.source: return super(CondaPip, self).run_with_env(command, output=output, **kwargs) command = CommandSequence(self.source, Argv("pip", *command)) return (command.get_output if output else command.check_call)( stdin=DEVNULL, **kwargs ) class CondaAPI(PackageManager): """ A programmatic interface for controlling conda """ MINIMUM_VERSION = "4.3.30" def __init__(self, session, path, python, requirements_manager): # type: (Session, PathLike, float, RequirementsManager) -> None """ :param python: base python version to use (e.g python3.6) :param path: path of env """ self.session = session self.python = python self.source = None self.requirements_manager = requirements_manager self.path = path self.extra_channels = self.session.config.get('agent.package_manager.conda_channels', []) self.pip = CondaPip( session=self.session, source=self.source, python=self.python, requirements_manager=self.requirements_manager, path=self.path, ) self.conda = ( find_executable("conda") or Argv(select_for_platform(windows="where", linux="which"), "conda").get_output(shell=True).strip() ) try: output = Argv(self.conda, "--version").get_output(stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: raise CommandFailedError( "Unable to determine conda version: {ex}, output={ex.output}".format( ex=ex ) ) self.conda_version = self.get_conda_version(output) if SimpleVersion.compare_versions(self.conda_version, '<', self.MINIMUM_VERSION): raise CommandFailedError( "conda version '{}' is smaller than minimum supported conda version '{}'".format( self.conda_version, self.MINIMUM_VERSION ) ) @staticmethod def get_conda_version(output): match ="(\d+\.){0,2}\d+", output) if not match: raise CommandFailedError("Unidentified conda version string:", output) return @property def bin(self): return self.pip.bin def upgrade_pip(self): return self._install("pip" + self.pip.get_pip_version()) def create(self): """ Create a new environment """ output = Argv( self.conda, "create", "--yes", "--mkdir", "--prefix", self.path, "python={}".format(self.python), ).get_output(stderr=DEVNULL) match = r"\W*(.*activate) ({})".format(re.escape(str(self.path))), output ) self.source = self.pip.source = ( tuple( + (,) if match else ("activate", self.path) ) conda_env = Path(self.conda).parent.parent / 'etc' / 'profile.d' / '' if conda_env.is_file() and not is_windows_platform(): self.source = self.pip.source = CommandSequence(('source', conda_env.as_posix()), self.source) # install cuda toolkit try: cuda_version = float(int(self.session.config['agent.cuda_version'])) / 10.0 if cuda_version > 0: self._install('cudatoolkit={:.1f}'.format(cuda_version)) except Exception: pass return self def remove(self): """ Delete a conda environment. Use 'conda env remove', then 'rm_tree' to be safe. Conda seems to load "vcruntime140.dll" from all its environment on startup. This means environment have to be deleted using 'conda env remove'. If necessary, conda can be fooled into deleting a partially-deleted environment by creating an empty file in '\conda-meta\history' (value found in 'conda.gateways.disk.test.PREFIX_MAGIC_FILE'). Otherwise, it complains that said directory is not a conda environment. See: """ try: self._run_command(("env", "remove", "-p", self.path)) except Exception: pass rm_tree(self.path) # if we failed removing the path, change it's name if is_windows_platform() and Path(self.path).exists(): try: Path(self.path).rename(Path(self.path).as_posix() + '_' + str(time())) except Exception: pass def _install_from_file(self, path): """ Install packages from requirement file. """ self._install("--file", path) def _install(self, *args): # type: (*PathLike) -> () channels_args = tuple( chain.from_iterable(("-c", channel) for channel in self.extra_channels) ) self._run_command(("install", "-p", self.path) + channels_args + args) def _get_pip_packages(self, packages): # type: (Iterable[Text]) -> Sequence[Text] """ Return subset of ``packages`` which are not available on conda """ pips = [] while True: with self.temp_file("conda_reqs", packages) as path: try: self._install_from_file(path) except PackageNotFoundError as e: pips.append(e.pkg) packages = _package_diff(path, {e.pkg}) else: break return pips def install_packages(self, *packages): # type: (*Text) -> () return self._install(*packages) def uninstall_packages(self, *packages): return self._run_command(("uninstall", "-p", self.path)) def install_from_file(self, path): """ Try to install packages from conda. Install packages which are not available from conda with pip. """ try: self._install_from_file(path) return except PackageNotFoundError as e: pip_packages = [e.pkg] except PackagesNotFoundError as e: pip_packages = package_set(e.packages) with self.temp_file("conda_reqs", _package_diff(path, pip_packages)) as reqs: self.install_from_file(reqs) with self.temp_file("pip_reqs", pip_packages) as reqs: self.pip.install_from_file(reqs) def freeze(self): requirements = self.pip.freeze() try: conda_packages = json.loads(self._run_command((self.conda, "list", "--json", "-p", self.path), raw=True)) conda_packages_txt = [] requirements_pip = [r.split('==')[0].strip().lower() for r in requirements['pip']] for pkg in conda_packages: # skip if this is a pypi package or it is not a python package at all if pkg['channel'] == 'pypi' or pkg['name'].lower() not in requirements_pip: continue conda_packages_txt.append('{0}{1}{2}'.format(pkg['name'], '==', pkg['version'])) requirements['conda'] = conda_packages_txt except: pass return requirements def load_requirements(self, requirements): # create new environment file conda_env = dict() conda_env['channels'] = self.extra_channels reqs = [] if isinstance(requirements['pip'], six.string_types): requirements['pip'] = requirements['pip'].split('\n') if isinstance(requirements.get('conda'), six.string_types): requirements['conda'] = requirements['conda'].split('\n') has_torch = False has_matplotlib = False try: cuda_version = int(self.session.config.get('agent.cuda_version', 0)) except: cuda_version = 0 # notice 'conda' entry with empty string is a valid conda requirements list, it means pip only # this should happen if experiment was executed on non-conda machine or old trains client conda_supported_req = requirements['pip'] if requirements.get('conda', None) is None else requirements['conda'] conda_supported_req_names = [] for r in conda_supported_req: try: marker = list(parse(r)) except: marker = None if not marker: continue m = MarkerRequirement(marker[0]) conda_supported_req_names.append( if == 'matplotlib': has_matplotlib = True elif'torch'): has_torch = True if in ('torch', 'pytorch'): has_torch = True = 'pytorch' if in ('tensorflow_gpu', 'tensorflow-gpu', 'tensorflow'): has_torch = True = 'tensorflow-gpu' if cuda_version > 0 else 'tensorflow' reqs.append(m) pip_requirements = [] # if we have a conda list, the rest should be installed with pip, if requirements.get('conda', None) is not None: for r in requirements['pip']: try: marker = list(parse(r)) except: marker = None if not marker: continue m = MarkerRequirement(marker[0]) m_name = if m_name in conda_supported_req_names: # this package is in the conda list, # make sure that if we changed version and we match it in conda conda_supported_req_names.remove(m_name) for cr in reqs: if m_name == # match versions cr.specs = m.specs break else: # not in conda, it is a pip package pip_requirements.append(m) if m_name == 'matplotlib': has_matplotlib = True # remove any leftover conda packages (they were removed from the pip list) if conda_supported_req_names: reqs = [r for r in reqs if not in conda_supported_req_names] # Conda requirements Hacks: if has_matplotlib: reqs.append(MarkerRequirement(Requirement.parse('graphviz'))) reqs.append(MarkerRequirement(Requirement.parse('python-graphviz'))) reqs.append(MarkerRequirement(Requirement.parse('kiwisolver'))) if has_torch and cuda_version == 0: reqs.append(MarkerRequirement(Requirement.parse('cpuonly'))) # conform conda packages (version/name) for r in reqs: # remove .post from version numbers, it fails ~= version, and change == to ~= if r.specs and r.specs[0]: r.specs = [(r.specs[0][0].replace('==', '~='), r.specs[0][1].split('.post')[0])] # conda always likes "-" not "_" ='_', '-') while reqs: # notice, we give conda more freedom in version selection, to help it choose best combination conda_env['dependencies'] = [r.tostr() for r in reqs] with self.temp_file("conda_env", yaml.dump(conda_env), suffix=".yml") as name: print('Conda: Trying to install requirements:\n{}'.format(conda_env['dependencies'])) result = self._run_command( ("env", "update", "-p", self.path, "--file", name) ) # check if we need to remove specific packages bad_req = self._parse_conda_result_bad_packges(result) if not bad_req: break solved = False for bad_r in bad_req: name = bad_r.split('[')[0].split('=')[0].split('~')[0].split('<')[0].split('>')[0] # look for name in requirements for r in reqs: if == name.lower(): pip_requirements.append(r) reqs.remove(r) solved = True break # we couldn't remove even one package, # nothing we can do but try pip if not solved: pip_requirements.extend(reqs) break if pip_requirements: try: pip_req_str = [r.tostr() for r in pip_requirements] print('Conda: Installing requirements: step 2 - using pip:\n{}'.format(pip_req_str)) self.pip.load_requirements('\n'.join(pip_req_str)) except Exception as e: print(e) raise e self.requirements_manager.post_install() return True def _parse_conda_result_bad_packges(self, result_dict): if not result_dict: return None if 'bad_deps' in result_dict and result_dict['bad_deps']: return result_dict['bad_deps'] if result_dict.get('error'): error_lines = result_dict['error'].split('\n') if error_lines[0].strip().lower().startswith("unsatisfiableerror:"): empty_lines = [i for i, l in enumerate(error_lines) if not l.strip()] if len(empty_lines) >= 2: deps = error_lines[empty_lines[0]+1:empty_lines[1]] try: return yaml.load('\n'.join(deps), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) except: return None return None def _run_command(self, command, raw=False, **kwargs): # type: (Iterable[Text], bool, Any) -> Union[Dict, Text] """ Run a conda command, returning JSON output. The command is prepended with 'conda' and run with JSON output flags. :param command: command to run :param raw: return text output and don't change command :param kwargs: kwargs for Argv.get_output() :return: JSON output or text output """ def escape_ansi(line): ansi_escape = re.compile(r'(?:\x1B[@-_]|[\x80-\x9F])[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]') return ansi_escape.sub('', line) command = Argv(*command) # type: Executable if not raw: command = (self.conda,) + command + ("--quiet", "--json") try: print('Executing Conda: {}'.format(command.serialize())) result = command.get_output(stdin=DEVNULL, **kwargs) except Exception as e: if raw: raise result = e.output if hasattr(e, 'output') else '' if raw: return result result = json.loads(escape_ansi(result)) if result else {} if result.get('success', False): print('Pass') elif result.get('error'): print('Conda error: {}'.format(result.get('error'))) return result def get_python_command(self, extra=()): return CommandSequence(self.source, self.pip.get_python_command(extra=extra)) # enable hashing with cmp=False because pdb fails on unhashable exceptions exception = attrs(str=True, cmp=False) @exception class CondaException(Exception, NonStrictAttrs): command = attrib() message = attrib(default=None) @exception class UnknownCondaError(CondaException): data = attrib(default=Factory(dict)) @exception class PackagesNotFoundError(CondaException): """ Conda 4.5 exception - this reports all missing packages. """ packages = attrib(default=()) @exception class PackageNotFoundError(CondaException): """ Conda 4.3 exception - this reports one missing package at a time, as a singleton YAML list. """ pkg = attrib(default="", converter=lambda val: yaml.load(val, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)[0].replace(" ", ""))