import requests import socket import subprocess from typing import Optional def get_private_ip(config_obj): # type: (Config) -> str """ Get the private IP of this machine :return: A string representing the IP of this machine """ approaches = ( _get_private_ip_from_socket, _get_private_ip_from_subprocess, ) for approach in approaches: # noinspection PyBroadException try: return approach(config_obj) except Exception: continue raise Exception("error getting private IP") def get_public_ip(config_obj): # type: (Config) -> Optional[str] """ Get the public IP of this machine. External services such as `` or `` are used to get the IP :return: A string representing the IP of this machine or `None` if getting the IP failed """ # todo: add documentation in api section in conf file public_ip_service_urls = ( (config_obj.get("api.public_ip_service_urls", None) if config_obj else None) or ["", ""] ) for external_service in public_ip_service_urls: ip = get_public_ip_from_external_service(external_service) if ip: return ip return None def get_public_ip_from_external_service(external_service, timeout=5): # type: (str, Optional[int]) -> Optional[str] """ Get the public IP of this machine from an external service. Fetching the IP is done via a GET request. The whole content of the request should be the IP address :param external_service: The address of the external service :param timeout: The GET request timeout :return: A string representing the IP of this machine or `None` if getting the IP failed """ # noinspection PyBroadException try: response = requests.get(external_service, timeout=timeout) if not response.ok: return None ip = response.content.decode("utf8") # check that we actually received an IP address # noinspection PyBroadException try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, ip) return ip except Exception: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ip) return ip except Exception: return None def _get_private_ip_from_socket(config_obj): # todo: add documentation in api section in conf file public_ip_ping = (config_obj.get("api.public_ip_ping", None) if config_obj else None) or "" s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.settimeout(0) try: s.connect((public_ip_ping, 1)) ip = s.getsockname()[0] except Exception as e: raise e finally: s.close() return ip def _get_private_ip_from_subprocess(_): return subprocess.check_output("hostname -I", shell=True).split()[0].decode("utf-8")