Add torchcsprng and torchtext to PyTorch resolving. Improve debug prints on auto cuda version resolving.

This commit is contained in:
allegroai 2020-12-06 12:15:12 +02:00
parent 448e23825c
commit 1afa3a3914

View File

@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ class SimplePytorchRequirement(SimpleSubstitution):
class PytorchRequirement(SimpleSubstitution):
name = "torch"
packages = ("torch", "torchvision", "torchaudio")
packages = ("torch", "torchvision", "torchaudio", "torchcsprng", "torchtext")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
os_name = kwargs.pop("os_override", None)
@ -244,6 +244,7 @@ class PytorchRequirement(SimpleSubstitution):
py_ver = self.python_major_minor_str.replace('.', '')
url = None
last_v = None
closest_v = None
# search for our package
for l in links_parser.links:
parts = l.split('/')[-1].split('-')
@ -253,28 +254,40 @@ class PytorchRequirement(SimpleSubstitution):
# version (ignore +cpu +cu92 etc. + is %2B in the file link)
# version ignore .postX suffix (treat as regular version)
# noinspection PyBroadException
v = str(parts[1].split('%')[0].split('+')[0])
except Exception:
if len(parts) < 3 or not parts[2].endswith(py_ver):
if len(parts) < 5 or platform_wheel not in parts[4]:
# update the closest matched version (from above)
if not closest_v:
closest_v = v
elif SimpleVersion.compare_versions(
version_a=closest_v, op='>=', version_b=v, num_parts=3) and \
version_a=v, op='>=', version_b=req.specs[0][1], num_parts=3):
closest_v = v
# check if this an actual match
if not req.compare_version(v) or \
(last_v and SimpleVersion.compare_versions(last_v, '>', v, ignore_sub_versions=False)):
if not parts[2].endswith(py_ver):
if platform_wheel not in parts[4]:
url = '/'.join(torch_url.split('/')[:-1] + l.split('/'))
last_v = v
# if we found an exact match, use it
# noinspection PyBroadException
if req.specs[0][0] == '==' and \
SimpleVersion.compare_versions(req.specs[0][1], '==', v, ignore_sub_versions=False):
except Exception:
return url
return url, last_v or closest_v
def get_url_for_platform(self, req):
# check if package is already installed with system packages
@ -307,23 +320,28 @@ class PytorchRequirement(SimpleSubstitution):
# assert op == "=="
torch_url, torch_url_key = SimplePytorchRequirement.get_torch_page(self.cuda_version)
url = self._get_link_from_torch_page(req, torch_url)
url, closest_matched_version = self._get_link_from_torch_page(req, torch_url)
if not url and self.config.get("agent.package_manager.torch_nightly", None):
torch_url, torch_url_key = SimplePytorchRequirement.get_torch_page(self.cuda_version, nightly=True)
url = self._get_link_from_torch_page(req, torch_url)
url, closest_matched_version = self._get_link_from_torch_page(req, torch_url)
# try one more time, with a lower cuda version (never fallback to CPU):
while not url and torch_url_key > 0:
previous_cuda_key = torch_url_key
print('Warning, could not locate PyTorch {} matching CUDA version {}, best candidate {}\n'.format(
req, previous_cuda_key, closest_matched_version))
url, closest_matched_version = self._get_link_from_torch_page(req, torch_url)
if url:
torch_url, torch_url_key = SimplePytorchRequirement.get_torch_page(int(torch_url_key)-1)
# never fallback to CPU
if torch_url_key < 1:
print('Warning! Could not locate PyTorch version {} matching CUDA version {}'.format(
req, previous_cuda_key))
raise ValueError('Could not locate PyTorch version {} matching CUDA version {}'.format(
req, self.cuda_version))
print('Warning! Could not locate PyTorch version {} matching CUDA version {}, '
'trying CUDA version {}'.format(req, previous_cuda_key, torch_url_key))
url = self._get_link_from_torch_page(req, torch_url)
'Error! Could not locate PyTorch version {} matching CUDA version {}'.format(
req, previous_cuda_key))
raise ValueError(
'Could not locate PyTorch version {} matching CUDA version {}'.format(req, self.cuda_version))
print('Trying PyTorch CUDA version {} support'.format(torch_url_key))
if not url:
url = PytorchWheel(
@ -335,6 +353,8 @@ class PytorchRequirement(SimpleSubstitution):
if url:
# normalize url (sometimes we will get ../ which we should not...
url = '/'.join(url.split('/')[:3]) + urllib.parse.quote(str(furl(url).path.normalize()))
# print found
print('Found PyTorch version {} matching CUDA version {}'.format(req, torch_url_key))
self.log.debug("checking url: %s", url)
return url, requests.head(url, timeout=10).ok